Heat capacity
Heat capacity is defined as
— TypeConstantHeatCapacity(Cp=1050J/mol/kg)
Set a constant heat capacity:
\[ Cp = cst\]
where $Cp$ is the thermal heat capacity [$J/kg/K$].
— TypeT_HeatCapacity_Whittington()
Sets a temperature-dependent heat capacity following the parameterization of Whittington et al. (2009), Nature:
\[ Cp = (a + b T - c/T^2)/m\]
where $Cp$ is the heat capacity [$J/kg/K$], and $a,b,c$ are parameters that dependent on the temperature $T$ [$K$]:
- a = 199.50 J/mol/K if T<= 846 K
- a = 199.50 J/mol/K if T> 846 K
- b = 0.0857J/mol/K^2 if T<= 846 K
- b = 0.0323J/mol/K^2 if T> 846 K
- c = 5e6J/mol*K if T<= 846 K
- c = 47.9e-6J/mol*K if T> 846 K
- molmass = 0.22178kg/mol
Note that this is slightly different than the equation in the manuscript, as Cp is in J/kg/K (rather than $J/mol/K$ as in eq.3/4 of the paper)
Computational routines
To compute, use this:
— FunctionCp = compute_heatcapacity(s:<AbstractHeatCapacity, P, T)
Returns the heat capacity Cp
at any temperature T
and pressure P
using any of the heat capacity laws implemented.
Currently available:
- ConstantHeatCapacity
- T_HeatCapacity_Whittington
- Latent_HeatCapacity
Using dimensional units
julia> T = 250.0:100:1250
julia> Cp2 = T_HeatCapacity_Whittington()
julia> Cp = similar(T)
julia> args = (; T=T)
julia> Cp =compute_heatcapacity!(Cp, Cp2, args)
11-element Vector nitful.Quantity{Float64, 𝐋² 𝚯⁻¹ 𝐓⁻², Unitful.FreeUnits{(kg⁻¹, J, K⁻¹), 𝐋² 𝚯⁻¹ 𝐓⁻², nothing}}}:
635.4269997294616 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
850.7470171764261 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
962.0959598489883 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1037.542043377064 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1097.351792196648 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1149.274556367170 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1157.791505094840 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1172.355487419726 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1186.919469744596 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1201.483452069455 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
1216.0474343943067 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹
— Functioncompute_heatcapacity!(Cp::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, MatParam::AbstractArray{<:AbstractMaterialParamsStruct}, Phases::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, P::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat},T::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat})
In-place computation of heat capacity Cp
for the whole domain and all phases, in case a vector with phase properties MatParam
is provided, along with P
and T
arrays. This assumes that the Phase
of every point is specified as an Integer in the Phases