Radioactive heat
Radioactive heat sources are defined as
— TypeConstantRadioactiveHeat(H_r=1e-6Watt/m^3)
Set a constant radioactive heat:
\[ H_r = cst\]
where $H_r$ is the radioactive heat source [$Watt/m^3$].
— TypeExpDepthDependent(H_0=1e-6Watt/m^3, h_r=10e3m, z_0=0m)
Sets an exponential depth-dependent radioactive
\[ H_r = H_0 \exp \left( {- {(z - z_0) \over h_r}} \right)\]
where $H_0$ is the radioactive heat source [$Watt/m^3$] at $z=z_0$ which decays with depth over a characteristic distance $h_r$.
Computational routines
To compute, use this:
Missing docstring for GeoParams.MaterialParameters.RadioactiveHeat.compute_radioactive_heat
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for GeoParams.MaterialParameters.RadioactiveHeat.compute_radioactive_heat!
. Check Documenter's build log for details.