ASAGI is a fileformat that is used by codes such as SeisSol or ExaHype. It employs the NetCDF4 data format.

We can read ASAGI files into GMG, and write GMG datasets to ASAGI format, which makes it straightforward to use GMG to create a model setup or to couple the results of geodynamic simulations (e.g., produced by LaMEM) with codes that support ASAGI.

data::CartData = read_ASAGI(fname_asagi::String)

This reads a 3D ASAGI NetCDF file, which is used as input for a number of codes such as SeisSol. It returns a CartData dataset

write_ASAGI(fname::String, Data::CartData; 
                    fields::Union{Nothing, Tuple}=nothing, 

Writes a CartData structure Data to an ASAGI file, which can be read by SeisSol or ExaHype. You can optionally pass a tuple with fields to be written. Note that we can only write individual (scalar) fields to disk, so vector or tensor fields needs to be split first
