Numerical model setups

In order to generate numerical simulations from setups created with GeophysicalModelGenerator.jl, we provide a few routines that directly create setups.

The routines provided here have the following functionality:

  • Add lithospheric boxes to a setup, that may have a layered structure and various thermal structures
  • Add various geometries (spheres, cuylinders, ellipsoids)
  • Add lithospheric structure
  • Add various 1D thermal structures (and possibilities to combine them)
add_box!(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid; xlim::Tuple = (20,100), [ylim::Tuple = (1,10)], zlim::Tuple = (10,80),
        Origin=nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=0,
        phase = ConstantPhase(1),
        cell=false )

Adds a box with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Temp - Temperature array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - grid structure (can be any of the grid types in GMG)
  • xlim - left/right coordinates of box
  • ylim - front/back coordinates of box [optional; if not specified we use the whole box]
  • zlim - bottom/top coordinates of box
  • Origin - the origin, used to rotate the box around. Default is the left-front-top corner
  • StrikeAngle - strike angle of slab
  • DipAngle - dip angle of slab
  • phase - specifies the phase of the box. See ConstantPhase(),LithosphericPhases()
  • T - specifies the temperature of the box. See ConstantTemp(),LinearTemp(),HalfspaceCoolingTemp(),SpreadingRateTemp(),LithosphericTemp()
  • segments - optional parameter to define multiple ridge segments within the box
  • cell - if true, Phase and Temp are defined on centers


Example 1) Box with constant phase and temperature & a dip angle of 10 degrees:

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_box!(Phases,Temp,Grid, xlim=(0,500), zlim=(-50,0), phase=ConstantPhase(3), DipAngle=10, T=ConstantTemp(1000))
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:

Example 2) Box with halfspace cooling profile

julia> Grid = CartData(xyz_grid(-1000:10:1000,0,-660:10:0))
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid));
julia> add_box!(Phases,Temp,Grid, xlim=(0,500), zlim=(-50,0), phase=ConstantPhase(3), DipAngle=10, T=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=30))
julia> Grid = addfield(Grid, (;Phases,Temp));       # Add to Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Grid,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")  # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:

Example 3) Box with ridge thermal structure ```julia-repl julia> Grid = CartData(xyzgrid(-1000:10:1000, -1000:10:1000, -660:5:0)) julia> Phases = fill(2, size(Grid)); julia> Temp = fill(1350.0, size(Grid)); julia> segments = [((-500.0, -1000.0), (-500.0, 0.0)), ((-250.0, 0.0), (-250.0, 200.0)), ((-750.0, 200.0), (-750.0, 1000.0))]; julia> lith = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[15 55], Phases=[1 2], Tlab=1250); julia> addbox!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-1000.0, 0.0), ylim=(-500.0, 500.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase=lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3), segments=segments) julia> Grid = addfield(Grid, (; Phases, Temp)); # Add to Cartesian model julia> writeparaview(Grid, "RidgeThermalStructure") # Save model to Paraview 1-element Vector{String}: "RidgeThermal_Structure.vts"

add_layer!(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid; xlim::Tuple = (1,100), [ylim::Tuple = (0,20)], zlim::Tuple = (0,-100),
        phase = ConstantPhase(1),
        T=nothing, cell=false )

Adds a layer with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. The most common use would be to add a lithospheric layer to a model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Temp - Temperature array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - grid structure (usually obtained with readLaMEMinputfile, but can also be other grid types)
  • xlim - left/right coordinates of box
  • ylim - front/back coordinates of box
  • zlim - bottom/top coordinates of box
  • phase - specifies the phase of the box. See ConstantPhase(),LithosphericPhases()
  • T - specifies the temperature of the box. See ConstantTemp(),LinearTemp(),HalfspaceCoolingTemp(),SpreadingRateTemp()


Example 1) Layer with constant phase and temperature

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_layer!(Phases,Temp,Grid, zlim=(-50,0), phase=ConstantPhase(3), T=ConstantTemp(1000))
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:

Example 2) Box with halfspace cooling profile

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_layer!(Phases,Temp,Grid, zlim=(-50,0), phase=ConstantPhase(3), T=HalfspaceCoolingTemp())
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:
add_sphere!(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid; cen::Tuple = (0,0,-1), radius::Number,
        phase = ConstantPhase(1).
        T=nothing, cell=false )

Adds a sphere with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Temp - Temperature array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - LaMEM grid structure (usually obtained with readLaMEMinputfile)
  • cen - center coordinates of sphere
  • radius - radius of sphere
  • phase - specifies the phase of the box. See ConstantPhase(),LithosphericPhases()
  • T - specifies the temperature of the box. See ConstantTemp(),LinearTemp(),HalfspaceCoolingTemp(),SpreadingRateTemp()
  • cell - if true, Phase and Temp are defined on cell centers


Sphere with constant phase and temperature:

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_sphere!(Phases,Temp,Grid, cen=(0,0,-1), radius=0.5, phase=ConstantPhase(2), T=ConstantTemp(800))
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:
add_ellipsoid!(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid; cen::Tuple = (-1,-1,-1), axes::Tuple = (0.2,0.1,0.5),
        Origin=nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=0,
        phase = ConstantPhase(1).
        T=nothing, cell=false )

Adds an Ellipsoid with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Temp - Temperature array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - LaMEM grid structure (usually obtained with readLaMEMinputfile)
  • cen - center coordinates of sphere
  • axes - semi-axes of ellipsoid in X,Y,Z
  • Origin - the origin, used to rotate the box around. Default is the left-front-top corner
  • StrikeAngle - strike angle of slab
  • DipAngle - dip angle of slab
  • phase - specifies the phase of the box. See ConstantPhase(),LithosphericPhases()
  • T - specifies the temperature of the box. See ConstantTemp(),LinearTemp(),HalfspaceCoolingTemp(),SpreadingRateTemp()
  • cell - if true, Phase and Temp are defined on cell centers


Ellipsoid with constant phase and temperature, rotated 90 degrees and tilted by 45 degrees:

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_ellipsoid!(Phases,Temp,Grid, cen=(-1,-1,-1), axes=(0.2,0.1,0.5), StrikeAngle=90, DipAngle=45, phase=ConstantPhase(3), T=ConstantTemp(600))
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:
add_cylinder!(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid; base::Tuple = (-1,-1,-1.5), cap::Tuple = (-1,-1,-0.5), radius::Number,
        phase = ConstantPhase(1),
        T=nothing, cell=false )

Adds a cylinder with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Temp - Temperature array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - Grid structure (usually obtained with read_LaMEM_inputfile)
  • base - center coordinate of bottom of cylinder
  • cap - center coordinate of top of cylinder
  • radius - radius of the cylinder
  • phase - specifies the phase of the box. See ConstantPhase(),LithosphericPhases()
  • T - specifies the temperature of the box. See ConstantTemp(),LinearTemp(),HalfspaceCoolingTemp(),SpreadingRateTemp()
  • cell - if true, Phase and Temp are defined on cell centers


Cylinder with constant phase and temperature:

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_cylinder!(Phases,Temp,Grid, base=(-1,-1,-1.5), cap=(1,1,-0.5), radius=0.25, phase=ConstantPhase(4), T=ConstantTemp(400))
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:
add_stripes!(Phase, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid;
    stripAxes       = (1,1,0),
    stripeWidth     =  0.2,
    stripeSpacing   =  1,
    Origin          =  nothing,
    StrikeAngle     =  0,
    DipAngle        =  10,
    phase           =  ConstantPhase(3),
    stripePhase     =  ConstantPhase(4),
    cell            = false)

Adds stripes to a pre-defined phase (e.g. added using add_box!)


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - grid structure (usually obtained with readLaMEMinputfile, but can also be other grid types)
  • stripAxes - sets the axis for which we want the stripes. Default is (1,1,0) i.e. X, Y and not Z
  • stripeWidth - width of the stripe
  • stripeSpacing - space between two stripes
  • Origin - the origin, used to rotate the box around. Default is the left-front-top corner
  • StrikeAngle - strike angle
  • DipAngle - dip angle
  • phase - specifies the phase we want to apply stripes to
  • stripePhase - specifies the stripe phase
  • cell - if true, Phase and Temp are defined on centers


Example: Box with striped phase and constant temperature & a dip angle of 10 degrees:

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Phases = zeros(Int32,   size(Grid.X));
julia> Temp   = zeros(Float64, size(Grid.X));
julia> add_box!(Phases,Temp,Grid, xlim=(0,500), zlim=(-50,0), phase=ConstantPhase(3), DipAngle=10, T=ConstantTemp(1000))
julia> add_stripes!(Phases, Grid, stripAxes=(1,1,1), stripeWidth=0.2, stripeSpacing=1, Origin=nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=10, phase=ConstantPhase(3), stripePhase=ConstantPhase(4))
julia> Model3D = ParaviewData(Grid, (Phases=Phases,Temp=Temp)); # Create Cartesian model
julia> write_paraview(Model3D,"LaMEM_ModelSetup")           # Save model to paraview
1-element Vector{String}:
add_slab!(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid,  trench::Trench; phase = ConstantPhase(1), T = nothing, cell=false)

Adds a curved slab with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup.


  • Phase - Phase array (consistent with Grid)
  • Temp - Temperature array (consistent with Grid)
  • Grid - grid structure (can be any of the grid types in GMG)
  • trench - Trench structure
  • phase - specifies the phase of the box. See ConstantPhase(),LithosphericPhases()
  • T - specifies the temperature of the box. See ConstantTemp(),LinearTemp(),HalfspaceCoolingTemp(),SpreadingRateTemp(),LithosphericTemp()
  • cell - if true, Phase and Temp are defined on cells


Example 1) Slab

julia> x     = LinRange(0.0,1200.0,128);
julia> y     = LinRange(0.0,1200.0,128);
julia> z     = LinRange(-660,50,128);
julia> Cart  = CartData(xyz_grid(x, y, z));
julia> Phase = ones(Int64,size(Cart));
julia> Temp  = fill(1350.0,size(Cart));
# Define the trench:
julia> trench= Trench(Start = (400.0,400.0), End = (800.0,800.0), θ_max = 45.0, direction = 1.0, n_seg = 50, Length = 600.0, Thickness = 80.0, Lb = 500.0, d_decoupling = 100.0, type_bending =:Ribe)
julia> phase = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[5 7 88], Phases = [2 3 4], Tlab=nothing)
julia> TsHC  = HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Tsurface=20.0, Tmantle=1350, Age=30, Adiabat=0.4)
julia> add_slab!(Phase, Temp, Cart, trench, phase = phase, T = TsHC)

makevolctopo(Grid::LaMEM_grid; center::Array{Float64, 1}, height::Float64, radius::Float64, crater::Float64, base=0.0m, background=nothing)

Creates a generic volcano topography (cones and truncated cones)


  • Grid - LaMEM grid (created by readLaMEMinputfile)
  • center - x- and -coordinates of center of volcano
  • height - height of volcano
  • radius - radius of volcano

Optional Parameters

  • crater - this will create a truncated cone and the option defines the radius of the flat top
  • base - this sets the flat topography around the volcano
  • background - this allows loading in a topography and only adding the volcano on top (also allows stacking of several cones to get a volcano with different slopes)


Cylinder with constant phase and temperature:

julia> Grid = read_LaMEM_inputfile("test_files/SaltModels.dat")
LaMEM Grid:
  nel         : (32, 32, 32)
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  markers     : (96, 96, 96)
  x           ϵ [-3.0 : 3.0]
  y           ϵ [-2.0 : 2.0]
  z           ϵ [-2.0 : 0.0]
julia> Topo = make_volc_topo(Grid, center=[0.0,0.0], height=0.4, radius=1.5, crater=0.5, base=0.1)
    size    : (33, 33, 1)
    x       ϵ [ -3.0 : 3.0]
    y       ϵ [ -2.0 : 2.0]
    z       ϵ [ 0.1 : 0.4]
    fields  : (:Topography,)
  attributes: ["note"]
julia> Topo = make_volc_topo(Grid, center=[0.0,0.0], height=0.8, radius=0.5, crater=0.0, base=0.4, background=Topo.fields.Topography)
    size    : (33, 33, 1)
    x       ϵ [ -3.0 : 3.0]
    y       ϵ [ -2.0 : 2.0]
    z       ϵ [ 0.1 : 0.8]
    fields  : (:Topography,)
  attributes: ["note"]
julia> write_paraview(Topo,"VolcanoTopo")           # Save topography to paraview
Saved file: VolcanoTopo.vts
HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Tsurface=0, Tmantle=1350, Age=60, Adiabat=0)

Sets a halfspace temperature structure in plate


  • Tsurface : surface temperature [C]
  • Tmantle : mantle temperature [C]
  • Age : Thermal Age of plate [Myrs]
  • Adiabat : Mantle Adiabat [K/km]
SpreadingRateTemp(Tsurface=0, Tmantle=1350, Adiabat=0, MORside="left",SpreadingVel=3, AgeRidge=0, maxAge=80)

Sets a halfspace temperature structure within the box, combined with a spreading rate (which implies that the plate age varies)


  • Tsurface : surface temperature [C]
  • Tmantle : mantle temperature [C]
  • Adiabat : Mantle Adiabat [K/km]
  • MORside : side of the box where the MOR is located ["left","right","front","back"]
  • SpreadingVel : spreading velocity [cm/yr]
  • AgeRidge : thermal age of the ridge [Myrs]
  • maxAge : maximum thermal Age of plate [Myrs]

Note: the thermal age at the mid oceanic ridge is set to 1 year to avoid division by zero

LithosphericTemp(Tsurface=0.0, Tpot=1350.0, dTadi=0.5,
                    ubound="const", lbound="const, utbf = 50.0e-3, ltbf = 10.0e-3,
                    age = 120.0, dtfac = 0.9, nz = 201,
                    rheology = example_CLrheology()

Calculates a 1D temperature profile [C] for variable thermal parameters including radiogenic heat source and linearly interpolates the temperature profile onto the box. The thermal parameters are defined in rheology and the structure of the lithosphere is define by LithosphericPhases().


  • Tsurface : surface temperature [C]
  • Tpot : potential mantle temperature [C]
  • dTadi : adiabatic gradient [K/km]
  • ubound : Upper thermal boundary condition ["const","flux"]
  • lbound : Lower thermal boundary condition ["const","flux"]
  • utbf : Upper thermal heat flux [W/m]; if ubound == "flux"
  • ltbf : Lower thermal heat flux [W/m]; if lbound == "flux"
  • age : age of the lithosphere [Ma]
  • dtfac : Diffusion stability criterion to calculate T_age
  • nz : Grid spacing for the 1D profile within the box
  • rheology : Structure containing the thermal parameters for each phase [default example_CLrheology]
Phase = compute_phase(Phase, Temp, X, Y, Z, s::LithosphericPhases, Ztop)


Phase = compute_phase(Phase, Temp, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid, s::LithosphericPhases)

This copies the layered lithosphere onto the Phase matrix.


  • Phase - Phase array
  • Temp - Temperature array
  • X - x-coordinate array (consistent with Phase and Temp)
  • Y - y-coordinate array (consistent with Phase and Temp)
  • Z - Vertical coordinate array (consistent with Phase and Temp)
  • s - LithosphericPhases
  • Ztop - Vertical coordinate of top of model box
  • Grid - Grid structure (usually obtained with readLaMEMinputfile)
LithosphericPhases(Layers=[10 20 15], Phases=[1 2 3 4], Tlab=nothing )

This allows defining a layered lithosphere. Layering is defined from the top downwards.


  • Layers : The thickness of each layer, ordered from top to bottom. The thickness of the last layer does not have to be specified.
  • Phases : The phases of the layers, ordered from top to bottom.
  • Tlab : Temperature of the lithosphere asthenosphere boundary. If specified, the phases at locations with T>Tlab are set to Phases[end].

Thermal structure by McKenzie for a subducted slab that is fully embedded in the mantle.


  • Tsurface: Top T [C]
  • Tmantle: Bottom T [C]
  • Adiabat: Adiabatic gradient in K/km
  • v_cm_yr: Subduction velocity [cm/yr]
  • κ: Thermal diffusivity [m2/s]
  • it: Number iterations employed in the harmonic summation

Structure that defined a linear average temperature between two temperature fields as a function of distance


  • w_min: Minimum weight
  • w_max: Maximum weight
  • crit_dist: Critical distance
  • dir: Direction of the averaging (:X, :Y or :Z)
  • F1: First temperature field
  • F2: Second temperature field