Gravity code

The voxel_grav function allows for the voxel-based computation of Bouguer anomalies and gradients from a 3D density matrix.

voxel_grav(X::Array{Float64, 3}, Y::Array{Float64, 3}, Z::Array{Float64, 3}, RHO::Array{Float64, 3};
refMod="AVG", lengthUnit="m", rhoTol=1e-9, Topo=[], outName="Bouguer", printing=true)

Computes Bouguer anomalies and gradients

Required arguments:

  • X,Y,Z: 3D matrices with the coordinates of the grid (X should vary in the first dimension, Y in the second, Z (vertical) in the third)
  • RHO: 3D matrix with the density at each grid point [kg/m^3]

Optional arguments:

  • refMod: 1D vector with the reference density for each depth. Alternatively, the strings "NE", "SE", "SW", "NW", "AVG" can be used. In that case, one of the corners of RHO is used as reference model.In case of "AVG" the reference model is the average of each depth slice.
  • lengthUnit: The unit of the coordinates and topography file. Either "m" or "km"
  • rhoTol: density differences smaller than rhoTol will be ignored [kg/m^3]
  • Topo: 2D matrix with the topography of the surface (only relevant for the paraview output)
  • outName: name of the paraview output (do not include file type)
  • printing: activate printing of additional information [true or false]