Paraview collection

We have one main routine to generate *.pvd files from existing vtk files. This is useful if no *.pvd file was generated during the simulation, or if you want to generate a *.pvd file from a collection of vtk files that were generated in different simulations. The *.pvd file can be used to animate temporal data in paraview. You can either provide a Vector of the files or the specific time step or the function reads the directory and assigns a pseudo time step to the *.pvd file.

make_paraview_collection(; dir=pwd(), pvd_name=nothing, files=nothing, file_extension = ".vts", time = nothing)

In case one has a list of *.vtk files, this routine creates a *.pvd file that can be opened in Paraview. This is useful if you previously saved vtk files but didnt save it as a collection in the code itself.

Optional options

  • dir: directory where the *.vtk are stored.
  • pvd_name: filename of the resulting *.pvd file without extension; if not specified, full_simulation is used.
  • files: Vector of the *.vtk files without extension; if not specified, all *.vtk files in the directory are used.
  • file_extension: file extension of the vtk files. Default is .vts but all vt* work.
  • time: Vector of the timesteps; if not specified, pseudo time steps are assigned.