Add coastlines


For orientation, it is often nice to add country borders and coastlines to your paraview plots.


1. Coast lines

1.1 Download land/sea data

The package GeoDatasets.jl has a simple interface to get a grid that explains whether the Earth surface is land, sea or a lake.

julia> using GeoDatasets
julia> lon,lat,data = GeoDatasets.landseamask(;resolution='l',grid=1.25);
julia> ind_lon = findall( (lon .> 0) .& (lon .< 30 ) );
julia> ind_lat = findall( (lat .> 35) .& (lat .< 50 ) );

The parameter resolution should be either c,l,i,h or f (standing for crude, low, intermediate, high and full resolution)

1.2 Save in Paraview
julia> Lon,Lat,Depth    =   lonlatdepth_grid(lon[ind_lon],lat[ind_lat],0km);
julia> data_surf        =   zeros(size(Lon));
julia> data_surf[:,:,1] =   data[ind_lon,ind_lat]
julia> data_surface     =   GeoData(Lon, Lat, Depth, (SurfaceType=data_surf,))
julia> write_paraview(data_surface, "ContinentOcean") 

The result is shown here, together with Moho data
