List functions

These are all the functions that are provided for the LaMEM Julia Setup interface

LaMEM boundary condition `BCBlock` object
  • npath::Int64: Number of path points of Bezier curve (path-points only!)

  • theta::Vector{Float64}: # Orientation angles at path points (counter-clockwise positive)

  • time::Vector{Float64}: Times at path points

  • path::Vector{Float64}: Path points x-y coordinates

  • npoly::Int64: Number of polygon vertices

  • poly::Vector{Float64}: Polygon x-y coordinates at initial time

  • bot::Float64: Polygon bottom coordinate

  • top::Float64: Polygon top coordinate

Structure that contains the LaMEM boundary conditions information.
  • noslip::Vector{Int64}: No-slip boundary flag mask (left right front back bottom top)

  • open_top_bound::Int64: Stress-free (free surface/infinitely fast erosion) top boundary flag

  • temp_top::Float64: Constant temperature on the top boundary

  • temp_bot::Float64: Constant temperature on the bottom boundary

  • exx_num_periods::Int64: number intervals of constant background strain rate (x-axis)

  • exx_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: time delimiters (one less than number of intervals, not required for one interval)

  • exx_strain_rates::Vector{Float64}: strain rates for each interval

  • eyy_num_periods::Int64: eyynumperiods

  • eyy_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: eyytimedelims

  • eyy_strain_rates::Vector{Float64}: eyystrainrates

  • exy_num_periods::Int64: exynumperiods

  • exy_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: exytimedelims

  • exy_strain_rates::Vector{Float64}: exystrainrates

  • exz_num_periods::Int64: exznumperiods

  • exz_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: exztimedelims

  • exz_strain_rates::Vector{Float64}: exzstrainrates

  • eyz_num_periods::Int64: eyznumperiods

  • eyz_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: eyztimedelims

  • eyz_strain_rates::Vector{Float64}: eyzstrainrates

  • bg_ref_point::Vector{Float64}: background strain rate reference point (fixed)

  • VelocityBoxes::Vector{VelocityBox}: List of added velocity boxes

  • BCBlocks::Vector{BCBlock}: List of added Bezier blocks

  • VelCylinders::Vector{VelCylinder}: List of added velocity cylinders

  • bvel_face::Union{Nothing, String}: Face identifier (Left; Right; Front; Back; CompensatingInflow)

  • bvel_face_out::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Velocity on opposite side: -1 for inverted velocity; 0 for no velocity; 1 for the same direction of velocity

  • bvel_bot::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Bottom coordinate of inflow window

  • bvel_top::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Top coordinate of inflow window

  • velin_num_periods::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Number of periods when velocity changes (Optional)

  • velin_time_delims::Union{Nothing, Vector}: Change velocity at 2 and 5 Myrs (one less than number of intervals, not required for one interval) (Optional)

  • bvel_velin::Union{Nothing, Vector}: inflow velocity for each time interval(Multiple values required if velinnumperiods>1)

  • bvel_velout::Union{Nothing, Float64}: outflow velocity (if not specified, computed from mass balance)

  • bvel_relax_d::Union{Nothing, Float64}: vert.distance from bvelbot and bveltop over which velocity is reduced linearly

  • bvel_velbot::Union{Nothing, Int64}: bottom inflow velocity for use with bvel_face=CompensatingInflow

  • bvel_veltop::Union{Nothing, Int64}: top inflow velocity for use with bvel_face=CompensatingInflow

  • bvel_temperature_inflow::Union{Nothing, String}: bveltemperatureinflow: Thermal age of the plate, which can be constant if set to Fixedthermalage or ConstantTinflow (Temperature of the inflow material is constant everywhere)

  • bvel_thermal_age::Union{Nothing, Float64}: In dimensional unit. If the user specify this value, he needs to specify the temperature of the mantle and top as well

  • bvel_temperature_mantle::Union{Nothing, Float64}: In dimensional unit. Temperature of the mantle

  • bvel_temperature_top::Union{Nothing, Float64}: In dimensional unit. temperature of the top

  • bvel_temperature_constant::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Constant temperature inflow.

  • bvel_num_phase::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Imposes a stratigraphy of phase injected in the inflow boundary [if undefined, it uses the phase close to the boundary]

  • bvel_phase::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int64}}: phase number of inflow material [if undefined, it uses the phase close to the boundary] from bottom to top

  • bvel_phase_interval::Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}: Depth interval of injection of the phase (the interval is defined by num_phase+1 coordinates). e.g. [-120 -100 -10 0 ]

  • open_bot_bound::Union{Nothing, Int64}: # Permeable lower boundary flag

  • permeable_phase_inflow::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Phase of the inflow material from the bottom (The temperature of the inflow phase it is the same of the bottom boundary) in case of openbotbound=1

  • fix_phase::Union{Nothing, Int64}: fixed phase (no-flow condition)

  • fix_cell::Union{Nothing, Int64}: fixed cells (no-flow condition)

  • fix_cell_file::Union{Nothing, String}: fixed cells input file (extension is .xxxxxxxx.dat)

  • temp_bot_num_periods::Union{Nothing, Int64}: How many periods with different temp_bot do we have?

  • temp_bot_time_delim::Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}: At which time do we switch from one to the next period?

  • Plume_InflowBoundary::Union{Nothing, Int64}: # have a plume-like inflow boundary @ bottom

  • Plume_Type::Union{Nothing, String}: Type of plume inflow boundary.

    • "Inflow_type" or
    • "Pressure_type" (circular) or
    • "Permeable_Type" which combines the open bot boundary with the plume boundary condition (the option herein listed overwrites open_bot, so do not activate that)
  • Plume_Dimension::Union{Nothing, String}: 2D or 3D (circular)

  • Plume_areaFrac::Union{Nothing, Float64}: how much of the plume is actually in the model. This usually 1 (default) but lower if the plume is in a corner of a symmetric setup and matters for the outflow

  • Plume_Phase::Union{Nothing, Int64}: phase of plume material

  • Plume_Depth::Union{Nothing, Float64}: # depth of provenience of the plume (i.e. how far from the bottom of the model the plume source is)

  • Plume_Mantle_Phase::Union{Nothing, Int64}: # Astenosphere phase (if the inflow occurs outside the plume radius)

  • Plume_Temperature::Union{Nothing, Float64}: # temperature of inflow plume

  • Plume_Inflow_Velocity::Union{Nothing, Float64}: # Inflow velocity (not required if Pressure_Type) in cm/year if using GEOunits

  • Plume_VelocityType::Union{Nothing, String}: "Gaussian" or "Poiseuille"

  • Plume_Center::Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}: # [X,Y] of center (2nd only in case of 3D plume)

  • Plume_Radius::Union{Nothing, Float64}: # Width/Radius of plume

  • Plume_Phase_Mantle::Union{Nothing, Int64}: # Inflow phase. If the velocity happens to be positive in the domain, the inflow material has a constant phase and the temperature of the bottom

  • pres_top::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Pressure on the top boundary

  • pres_bot::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Pressure on the bottom boundary

  • init_pres::Union{Nothing, Int64}: pressure initial guess flag; linear profile between prestop and presbot in the unconstrained cells

  • init_temp::Union{Nothing, Int64}: temperature initial guess flag; linear profile between temptop and tempbot

Defines the properties related to inserting dikes
  • ID::Int64: Material phase ID

  • Mf::Float64: value for dike/magma- accommodated extension, between 0 and 1, in the front of the box, for phase dike

  • Mc::Float64: [optional] value for dike/magma- accommodate extension, between 0 and 1, for dike phase; M is linearly interpolated between Mf & Mc and Mc & Mb, if not set, Mc default is set to -1 so it is not used

  • y_Mc::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional], location for Mc, must be between front and back boundaries of dike box, if not set, default value to 0.0, but not used

  • Mb::Union{Nothing, Float64}: value for dike/magma-accommodated extension, between 0 and 1, in the back of the box, for phase dike

  • PhaseID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Phase ID

  • PhaseTransID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Phase transition ID

Structure that contains the LaMEM free surface information.
  • surf_use::Int64: Free surface activation flag

  • surf_corr_phase::Int64: air phase ratio correction flag (phases in an element that contains are modified based on the surface position)

  • surf_level::Union{Nothing, Float64}: initial level of the free surface

  • surf_air_phase::Union{Nothing, Int64}: phase ID of sticky air layer

  • surf_max_angle::Float64: maximum angle with horizon (smoothed if larger)

  • surf_topo_file::String: initial topography file (redundant)

  • erosion_model::Int64: erosion model [0-none (default), 1-infinitely fast, 2-prescribed rate with given level]

  • er_num_phases::Int64: number of erosion phases

  • er_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: erosion time delimiters (one less than number)

  • er_rates::Vector{Float64}: constant erosion rates in different time periods

  • er_levels::Vector{Int64}: levels above which we apply constant erosion rates in different time periods

  • sediment_model::Int64: sedimentation model [0-none (dafault), 1-prescribed rate with given level, 2-cont. margin]

  • sed_num_layers::Int64: number of sediment layers

  • sed_time_delims::Vector{Float64}: sediment layers time delimiters (one less than number)

  • sed_rates::Vector{Float64}: sediment rates in different time periods

  • sed_levels::Vector{Float64}: levels below which we apply constant sediment rates in different time periods

  • sed_phases::Vector{Int64}: sediment layers phase numbers in different time periods

  • marginO::Vector{Float64}: lateral coordinates of continental margin - origin

  • marginE::Vector{Float64}: lateral coordinates of continental margin - 2nd point

  • hUp::Float64: up dip thickness of sediment cover (onshore)

  • hDown::Float64: down dip thickness of sediment cover (off shore)

  • dTrans::Float64: half of transition zone

  • Topography::Union{Nothing, GeophysicalModelGenerator.CartData}: Topography grid

LaMEM geometric primitive `Box` object
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • bounds::Vector{Float64}: box bound coordinates: left, right, front, back, bottom, top

  • Temperature::Union{Nothing, String}: optional: Temperature structure. possibilities: [constant, linear, halfspace]

  • cstTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [constant]: temperature value [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • topTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [linear,halfspace]: temperature @ top [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • botTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [linear,halfspace]: temperature @ top [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • thermalAge::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [halfspace]: thermal age of lithosphere [in Myrs if GEO units are used]

LaMEM geometric primitive `Cylinder` object
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • radius::Float64: radius of cylinder

  • base::Vector{Float64}: center of base of cylinder

  • cap::Vector{Float64}: center of cap of cylinder

  • Temperature::Union{Nothing, String}: optional: Temperature structure. possibilities: [constant]

  • cstTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [constant]: temperature value [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

LaMEM geometric primitive `Ellipsoid` object
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • axes::Vector{Float64}: semi-axes of ellipsoid in x, y and z

  • center::Vector{Float64}: center of sphere

  • Temperature::Union{Nothing, String}: optional: Temperature of the sphere. possibilities: [constant, or nothing]

  • cstTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [constant]: temperature value [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

LaMEM geometric primitive `Hex` object to define hexahedral elements
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • coord::Vector{Float64}: x-y-z coordinates for each of 8 nodes (24 parameters) (counter)-clockwise for an arbitrary face, followed by the opposite face

LaMEM geometric primitive `Layer` object
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • top::Float64: top of layer

  • bottom::Float64: bottom of layer

  • cosine::Union{Nothing, Int64}: optional: add a cosine perturbation on top of the interface (if 1)

  • wavelength::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required if cosine: wavelength in x-direction

  • amplitude::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required if cosine: amplitude of perturbation

  • Temperature::Union{Nothing, String}: optional: Temperature structure. possibilities: [constant, linear, halfspace]

  • cstTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [constant]: temperature value [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • topTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [linear,halfspace]: temperature @ top [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • botTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [linear,halfspace]: temperature @ top [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • thermalAge::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [halfspace]: thermal age of lithosphere [in Myrs if GEO units are used]

LaMEM geometric primitive `RidgeSeg` object
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • bounds::Vector{Float64}: box bound coordinates: left, right, front, back, bottom, top

  • ridgeseg_x::Vector{Float64}: coordinate order: left, right [can be different for oblique ridge]

  • ridgeseg_y::Vector{Float64}: coordinate order: front, back [can be different for oblique ridge]

  • Temperature::String: initial temperature structure [ridge must be set to halfspace_age –> setTemp=4]

  • topTemp::Float64: required in case of [linear,halfspace]: temperature @ top [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • botTemp::Float64: required in case of [linear,halfspace]: temperature @ top [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

  • age0::Float64: minimum age of seafloor at ridge [in Myr in case of GEO units]

  • maxAge::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] parameter that indicates the maximum thermal age of a plate

  • v_spread::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] parameter that indicates the spreading velocity of the plate; if not defined it uses bvel_velin specified elsewhere

LaMEM geometric primitive `sphere` object
  • phase::Int64: phase

  • radius::Float64: radius of sphere

  • center::Vector{Float64}: center of sphere

  • Temperature::Union{Nothing, String}: optional: Temperature of the sphere. possibilities: [constant, or nothing]

  • cstTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: required in case of [constant]: temperature value [in Celcius in case of GEO units]

Structure that contains the LaMEM grid information
  • nmark_x::Int64: number of markers/element in x-direction

  • nmark_y::Int64: number of markers/element in y-direction

  • nmark_z::Int64: number of markers/element in x-direction

  • nel_x::Vector{Int64}: number of elements in x-direction

  • nel_y::Vector{Int64}: number of elements in y-direction

  • nel_z::Vector{Int64}: number of elements in z-direction

  • coord_x::Vector{Float64}: coordinates in x-direction

  • coord_y::Vector{Float64}: coordinates in y-direction

  • coord_z::Vector{Float64}: coordinates in z-direction

  • nseg_x::Int64: number of segments in x-direction (if we employ variable grid spacing in x-direction)

  • nseg_y::Int64: number of segments in y-direction (if we employ variable grid spacing in y-direction)

  • nseg_z::Int64: number of segments in z-direction (if we employ variable grid spacing in z-direction)

  • bias_x::Vector{Float64}: bias in x-direction (if we employ variable grid spacing in x-direction)

  • bias_y::Vector{Float64}: bias in y-direction (if we employ variable grid spacing in y-direction)

  • bias_z::Vector{Float64}: bias in z-direction (if we employ variable grid spacing in z-direction)

  • Grid::GeophysicalModelGenerator.LaMEM_grid: Contains the LaMEM Grid object

  • Phases::Array{Int32}: Phases; 3D phase information

  • Temp::Array{Float64}: Temp; 3D phase information

Example 1

julia> d=LaMEM.Grid(coord_x=[0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0], bias_x=[0.3,1.0,3.0], nel_x=[10,4,2])
LaMEM grid with 1D refinement: 
  nel         : ([10, 4, 2], [16], [16])
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  x           ϵ [0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0], bias=[0.3, 1.0, 3.0], nseg=3, Δmin=0.025000000000000022, Δmax=0.1499999999999999
  y           ϵ [-10.0 : 0.0]
  z           ϵ [-10.0 : 0.0]

Example 2

julia> d=LaMEM.Grid(nel=(10,20))
LaMEM grid with constant Δ: 
  nel         : ([10], [1], [20])
  marker/cell : (3, 3, 3)
  x           ϵ [-10.0 : 10.0]
  y           ϵ [-10.0 : 0.0]
  z           ϵ [-10.0 : 0.0]
Structure that contains the material properties in the current simulation
  • Phases::Vector{Phase}: Different Materials implemented

  • SofteningLaws::Vector{Softening}: Softening laws implemented

  • PhaseTransitions::Vector{PhaseTransition}: Internal Phase Transitions (that change the ID of markers) implemented

  • Dikes::Vector{Dike}: Dikes implemented (mostly for MOR simulations)

  • PhaseAggregates::Vector{PhaseAggregate}: Phase aggregates (combines different phases such as upper_lower crust into one for visualization purposes)


Structure that holds all the information to create a LaMEM input file

  • Scaling::Scaling: Scaling parameters

  • Grid::Grid: LaMEM Grid

  • Time::Any: Time options

  • FreeSurface::Any: Free surface options

  • BoundaryConditions::Any: Boundary conditions

  • SolutionParams::Any: Global solution parameters

  • Solver::Any: Solver options and optional PETSc options

  • ModelSetup::Any: Model setup

  • Output::Any: Output options

  • PassiveTracers::Any: Passive tracers

  • Materials::Any: Material parameters for each of the phases


Allow to define a model setup by specifying some of the basic objects


julia> d = Model(Grid(nel=(10,1,20)), Scaling(NO_units()))
LaMEM Model setup
|-- Scaling             :  GeoParams.Units.GeoUnits{GeoParams.Units.NONE}
|-- Grid                :  nel=(10, 1, 20); xϵ(-10.0, 10.0), yϵ(-10.0, 0.0), zϵ(-10.0, 0.0) 
|-- Time                :  nstep_max=50; nstep_out=1; time_end=1.0; dt=0.05
|-- Boundary conditions :  noslip=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
|-- Solution parameters :  
|-- Solver options      :  direct solver; superlu_dist; penalty term=10000.0
|-- Model setup options :  Type=geom; 
|-- Output options      :  filename=output; pvd=1; avd=0; surf=0
|-- Materials           :  1 phases;  

Creates a LaMEM Model setup.

  • Scaling::Scaling

  • Grid::Grid

  • Time::Any

  • FreeSurface::Any

  • BoundaryConditions::Any

  • SolutionParams::Any

  • Solver::Any

  • ModelSetup::Any

  • Output::Any

  • PassiveTracers::Any

  • Materials::Any

Structure that contains the LaMEM Model Setup and Advection options
  • msetup::String: Setup type - can be geom (phases are assigned from geometric primitives, using add_geom!(model, ...)), files (from julia input), polygons (from geomIO input, which requires poly_file to be specified)

  • rand_noise::Int64: add random noise to the particle location

  • rand_noiseGP::Int64: random noise flag, subsequently applied to geometric primitives

  • bg_phase::Int64: background phase ID

  • save_mark::Int64: save marker to disk flag

  • mark_load_file::String: marker input file (extension is .xxxxxxxx.dat), if using msetup=files

  • mark_save_file::String: marker output file (extension is .xxxxxxxx.dat)

  • poly_file::String: polygon geometry file (redundant), if using msetup=polygons

  • temp_file::String: initial temperature file (redundant), if not set on markers

  • advect::String: advection scheme; options=none (no advection); basic (Euler classical implementation [default]); Euler (Euler explicit in time); rk2 (Runge-Kutta 2nd order in space)

  • interp::String: velocity interpolation scheme; options = stag (trilinear interpolation from FDSTAG points), minmod ( MINMOD interpolation to nodes, trilinear interpolation to markers + correction), stagp ( STAG_P empirical approach by T. Gerya)

  • stagp_a::Float64: STAG_P velocity interpolation parameter

  • mark_ctrl::String: marker control type; options are subgrid (default; marker control enforced over fine scale grid), none (none), basic (AVD for cells + corner insertion), and avd (pure AVD for all control volumes)

  • nmark_lim::Vector{Int64}: min/max number per cell (marker control)

  • nmark_avd::Vector{Int64}: x-y-z AVD refinement factors (avd marker control)

  • nmark_sub::Int64: max number of same phase markers per subcell (subgrid marker control)

  • geom_primitives::Vector: Different geometric primitives that can be selected if we msetup=geom; seeGeomSphere`

Structure that has info about setting up multigrid for LaMEM
  • nel::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}: Number of elements at the fine level
  • levels::Int64: Number of levels
  • smooth::Int64: number of smoothening steps per level
  • smooth_jacobi_factor::Float64: factor for jacbi smoothener oer level
  • smoother::String: smoother used at every level
  • coarse_ksp::String: coarse grid ksp type preonly or fgmres
  • coarse_pc::String: coarse grid pc type ["superlu_dist", "mumps", "gamg", "telescope","redundant"]
  • coarse_coarse_pc::String: coarse coarse grid solver in case we use redundant or telescope coarse grid solves
  • coarse_coarse_ksp::String: coarse coarse grid solver in case we use redundant or telescope coarse grid solves
  • cores::Int64: number of cores used in the simulation
  • cores_coarse::Int64: number of cores used for coarse grid solver (in case we use pctelescope)
  • gamg_threshold::Float64: GAMG threshold
  • gamg_coarse_eq_limit::Int64: GAMG coarse grid equation limit
  • gamg_repartition::Bool: GAMG repartition coarse grids? (default=false)
  • gamg_parallel_coarse::Bool: GAMG parallel coarse grid solver? (default=false)
Structure that contains the LaMEM output options
  • out_file_name::Any: output file name

  • out_dir::Any: output directory

  • param_file_name::Any: parameter filename

  • write_VTK_setup::Any: write VTK initial model setup

  • out_pvd::Any: activate writing .pvd file

  • out_phase::Any: dominant phase

  • out_density::Any: density

  • out_visc_total::Any: total (viscoelastoplastic) viscosity

  • out_visc_creep::Any: creep viscosity

  • out_velocity::Any: velocity

  • out_pressure::Any: (dynamic) pressure

  • out_tot_press::Any: total pressure

  • out_eff_press::Any: effective pressure

  • out_over_press::Any: outoverpress

  • out_litho_press::Any: lithospheric pressure

  • out_pore_press::Any: pore pressure

  • out_temperature::Any: temperature

  • out_dev_stress::Any: deviatoric strain rate tensor

  • out_j2_dev_stress::Any: second invariant of deviatoric stress tensor

  • out_strain_rate::Any: deviatoric strain rate tensor

  • out_j2_strain_rate::Any: second invariant of strain rate tensor

  • out_shmax::Any: sh max

  • out_ehmax::Any: eh max

  • out_yield::Any: yield stress

  • out_rel_dif_rate::Any: relative proportion of diffusion creep strainrate

  • out_rel_dis_rate::Any: relative proportion of dislocation creep strainrate

  • out_rel_prl_rate::Any: relative proportion of peierls creep strainrate

  • out_rel_pl_rate::Any: relative proportion of plastic strainrate

  • out_plast_strain::Any: accumulated plastic strain

  • out_plast_dissip::Any: plastic dissipation

  • out_tot_displ::Any: total displacement

  • out_moment_res::Any: momentum residual

  • out_cont_res::Any: continuity residual

  • out_energ_res::Any: energy residual

  • out_melt_fraction::Any: Melt fraction

  • out_fluid_density::Any: fluid density

  • out_conductivity::Any: conductivity

  • out_vel_gr_tensor::Any: velocity gradient tensor

  • out_surf::Any: activate surface output

  • out_surf_pvd::Any: activate writing .pvd file

  • out_surf_velocity::Any: surface velocity

  • out_surf_topography::Any: surface topography

  • out_surf_amplitude::Any: amplitude of topography (=topo-average(topo))

  • out_mark::Any: activate marker output

  • out_mark_pvd::Any: activate writing .pvd file

  • out_avd::Any: activate AVD phase output

  • out_avd_pvd::Any: activate writing .pvd file

  • out_avd_ref::Any: AVD grid refinement factor

  • out_ptr::Any: activate

  • out_ptr_ID::Any: ID of the passive tracers

  • out_ptr_phase::Any: phase of the passive tracers

  • out_ptr_Pressure::Any: interpolated pressure

  • out_ptr_Temperature::Any: temperature

  • out_ptr_MeltFraction::Any: melt fraction computed using P-T of the marker

  • out_ptr_Active::Any: option that highlight the marker that are currently active

  • out_ptr_Grid_Mf::Any: option that allow to store the melt fraction seen within the cell

Structure that contains the LaMEM passive tracers parameters.
  • Passive_Tracer::Int64: activate passive tracers?"
  • PassiveTracer_Box::Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}: Dimensions of box in which we distribute passive tracers [Left, Right, Front, Back, Bottom, Top]
  • PassiveTracer_Resolution::Vector{Int64}: The number of passive tracers in every direction
  • PassiveTracer_ActiveType::Union{Nothing, String}: Under which condition are they activated? ["Always"], "Melt_Fraction", "Temperature", "Pressure", "Time"
  • PassiveTracer_ActiveValue::Union{Nothing, Float64}: The value to activate them
Defines the material properties for each of the phases
  • ID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: Material phase ID

  • Name::Union{Nothing, String}: Description of the phase

  • rho::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Density [kg/m^3]

  • eta::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Linear viscosity [Pas]

  • visID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: material ID for phase visualization (default is ID)

  • diff_prof::Union{Nothing, String}: Build-in DIFFUSION creep profiles:

    Example: "Dry__Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"

    Available build-in diffusion creep rheologies are:

    1. From [Hirth, G. and Kohlstedt D. (2003), Rheology of the upper mantle and the mantle wedge: A view from the experimentalists]:
    • "Dry_Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"
    • "Wet_Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003_constant_C_OH"
    • "Wet_Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"
    1. From [Rybacki and Dresen, 2000, JGR]:
    • "Dry_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"
    • "Wet_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"

    Note that you can always specify your own, by setting Bd, Ed, Vd accordingly.

  • disl_prof::Union{Nothing, String}: Build-in DISLOCATION creep profiles:

    Example: "Granite-Tirel_et_al_2008"

    Available build-in dislocation creep rheologies are:

    1. From [Ranalli 1995]:
    • "Dry_Olivine-Ranalli_1995"
    • "Wet_Olivine-Ranalli_1995"
    • "Wet_Quarzite-Ranalli_1995"
    • "Quarzite-Ranalli_1995"
    • "Mafic_Granulite-Ranalli_1995"
    • "Plagioclase_An75-Ranalli_1995"
    1. From [Carter and Tsenn (1986). Flow properties of continental lithosphere - page 18]:
    • "Quartz_Diorite-Hansen_Carter_1982"
    1. From [J. de Bremond d'Ars et al. Tectonophysics (1999). Hydrothermalism and Diapirism in the Archaean: gravitational instability constrains. - page 5]
    • "Diabase-Caristan_1982"
    • "Tumut_Pond_Serpentinite-Raleigh_Paterson_1965"
    1. From [Mackwell, Zimmerman & Kohlstedt (1998). High-temperature deformation]:
    • "Maryland_strong_diabase-Mackwell_et_al_1998"
    1. From [Ueda et al (PEPI 2008)]:
    • "Wet_Quarzite-Ueda_et_al_2008"
    1. From [Huismans et al 2001]:
    • "Diabase-Huismans_et_al_2001"
    • "Granite-Huismans_et_al_2001"
    1. From [Burg And Podladchikov (1999)]:
    • "Dry_Upper_Crust-Schmalholz_Kaus_Burg_2009"
    • "Weak_Lower_Crust-Schmalholz_Kaus_Burg_2009"
    • "Olivine-Burg_Podladchikov_1999"
    1. From [Rybacki and Dresen, 2000, JGR]:
    • "Dry_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"
    • "Wet_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"
    1. From [Hirth, G. & Kohlstedt (2003), D. Rheology of the upper mantle and the mantle wedge: A view from the experimentalists]:
    • "Wet_Olivine_disl_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"
    • "Wet_Olivine_disl_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003_constant_C_OH"
    • "Dry_Olivine_disl_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"
    1. From [SchmalholzKausBurg(2009), Geology (wet olivine)]:
    • "Wet_Upper_Mantle-Burg_Schmalholz_2008"
    • "Granite-Tirel_et_al_2008"
    1. From [Urai et al.(2008)]:
    • "Ara_rocksalt-Urai_et_al.(2008)"
    1. From [Bräuer et al. (2011) Description of the Gorleben site (PART 4): Geotechnical exploration of the Gorleben salt dome - page 126]:
    • "RockSaltReference_BGRa_class3-Braeumer_et_al_2011"
    1. From [Mueller and Briegel (1978)]:
    • "Polycrystalline_Anhydrite-Mueller_and_Briegel(1978)"

    Note that you can always specify your own, by setting Bn, En, Vn, and n accordingly.

  • peir_prof::Union{Nothing, String}: Build-in PEIERLS creep profiles:

    example: "Olivine_Peierls-Kameyama_1999"

    Available profiles:

    • "Olivine_Peierls-Kameyama_1999"
  • rho_n::Union{Nothing, Float64}: depth-dependent density model parameter

  • rho_c::Union{Nothing, Float64}: depth-dependent density model parameter

  • beta::Union{Nothing, Float64}: pressure-dependent density model parameter

  • G::Union{Nothing, Float64}: shear modulus

  • Kb::Union{Nothing, Float64}: bulk modulus

  • E::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Young's modulus

  • nu::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Poisson's ratio

  • Kp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: pressure dependence parameter

  • Bd::Union{Nothing, Float64}: DIFFUSION creep pre-exponential constant

  • Ed::Union{Nothing, Float64}: activation energy

  • Vd::Union{Nothing, Float64}: activation volume

  • eta0::Union{Nothing, Float64}: POWER LAW reference viscosity

  • e0::Union{Nothing, Float64}: reference strain rate

  • Bn::Union{Nothing, Float64}: DISLOCATION creep pre-exponential constant

  • En::Union{Nothing, Float64}: activation energy

  • Vn::Union{Nothing, Float64}: activation volume

  • n::Union{Nothing, Float64}: power law exponent

  • Bp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: PEIERLS creep pre-exponential constant

  • Ep::Union{Nothing, Float64}: activation energy

  • Vp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: activation volume

  • taup::Union{Nothing, Float64}: scaling stress

  • gamma::Union{Nothing, Float64}: approximation parameter

  • q::Union{Nothing, Float64}: stress-dependence parameter

  • eta_fk::Union{Nothing, Float64}: reference viscosity for Frank-Kamenetzky viscosity

  • gamma_fk::Union{Nothing, Float64}: gamma parameter for Frank-Kamenetzky viscosity

  • TRef_fk::Union{Nothing, Float64}: reference Temperature for Frank-Kamenetzky viscosity (if not set it is 0°C)

  • ch::Union{Nothing, Float64}: cohesion

  • fr::Union{Nothing, Float64}: friction angle

  • eta_st::Union{Nothing, Float64}: stabilization viscosity (default is eta_min)

  • eta_vp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: viscoplastic plasticity regularisation viscosity

  • rp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: pore-pressure ratio

  • chSoftID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: friction softening law ID

  • frSoftID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: cohesion softening law ID

  • healID::Union{Nothing, Int64}: healing ID, points to healTau in Softening

  • alpha::Union{Nothing, Float64}: thermal expansivity

  • Cp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: specific heat (capacity), J⋅K−1⋅kg−1

  • k::Union{Nothing, Float64}: thermal conductivity

  • A::Union{Nothing, Float64}: radiogenic heat production

  • T::Union{Nothing, Float64}: optional temperature to set within the phase

  • Latent_hx::Union{Nothing, Float64}: optional, used for dike heating, J/kg

  • T_liq::Union{Nothing, Float64}: optional, used for dike heating, liquidus temperature of material, celsius

  • T_sol::Union{Nothing, Float64}: optional, used for dike heating, solidus temperature of material, celsius

  • T_Nu::Union{Nothing, Float64}: default value for thermal conductivity boundary

  • nu_k::Union{Nothing, Float64}: optional parameter, Nusselt number for use with conductivity

  • rho_ph::Union{Nothing, String}: name of the phase diagram you want to use (still needs rho to be defined for the initial guess of pressure)

  • rho_ph_dir::Union{Nothing, String}: in case the phase diagram has a different path provide the path (without the name of the actual PD) here

  • mfc::Union{Nothing, Float64}: melt fraction viscosity correction factor (positive scalar)

  • GeoParams::Union{Nothing, Vector{GeoParams.MaterialParameters.ConstitutiveRelationships.AbstractCreepLaw}}: GeoParams creeplaws

    Set diffusion or dislocation creeplaws as provided by the GeoParams package:

    julia> using GeoParams
    julia> a = SetDiffusionCreep(GeoParams.Diffusion.dry_anorthite_Rybacki_2006);
    julia> p = Phase(ID=1,Name="test", GeoParams=[a]);

    Note that GeoParams should be a vector, as you could, for example, have diffusion and dislocation creep parameters

    Note also that this will overwrite any other creeplaws provided in the Phase struct.

  • grainsize::Union{Nothing, Float64}: grainsize m This is not actually used in LaMEM, but is required when setting diffusion creep parameters by using GeoParams
Defines phase aggregates, which can be useful for visualization purposes
  • name::String: Name of the phase aggregate

  • phaseID::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int64}}: Phases to be combined

  • numPhase::Union{Nothing, Int64}: number of aggregated phases

Defines phase transitions on markers (that change the Phase ID of a marker depending on some conditions)
  • ID::Int64: Phase_transition law ID

  • Type::String: [Constant, Clapeyron, Box]: Constant - the phase transition occurs only at a fixed value of the parameter; Clapeyron - clapeyron slope

  • Name_Clapeyron::Union{Nothing, String}: Type of predefined Clapeyron slope, such as MantleTransition660km

  • PTBox_Bounds::Union{Nothing, Vector{Float64}}: box bound coordinates: [left, right, front, back, bottom, top]

  • BoxVicinity::Union{Nothing, Int64}: 1: only check particles in the vicinity of the box boundaries (2: in all directions)

  • Parameter_transition::Union{Nothing, String}: [T = Temperature, P = Pressure, Depth = z-coord, X=x-coord, Y=y-coord, APS = accumulated plastic strain, MeltFraction, t = time] parameter that triggers the phase transition

  • ConstantValue::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Value of the parameter [unit of T,P,z, APS]

  • number_phases::Union{Nothing, Int64}: The number of involved phases [default=1]

  • PhaseAbove::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int64}}: Above the chosen value the phase is 1, below it, the value is PhaseBelow

  • PhaseBelow::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int64}}: Below the chosen value the phase is PhaseBelow, above it, the value is 1

  • PhaseInside::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int64}}: Phase within the box [use -1 if you don't want to change the phase inside the box]

  • PhaseOutside::Union{Nothing, Vector{Int64}}: Phase outside the box [use -1 if you don't want to change the phase outside the box. If combined with OutsideToInside, all phases that come in are set to PhaseInside]

  • PhaseDirection::Union{Nothing, String}: [BothWays=default; BelowToAbove; AboveToBelow] Direction in which transition works

  • ResetParam::Union{Nothing, String}: [APS] Parameter to reset on particles below PT or within box

  • PTBox_TempType::Union{Nothing, String}: # Temperature condition witin the box [none, constant, linear, halfspace]

  • PTBox_topTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Temp @ top of box [for linear & halfspace]

  • PTBox_botTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Temp @ bottom of box [for linear & halfspace]

  • PTBox_thermalAge::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Thermal age, usually in geo-units [Myrs] [only in case of halfspace]

  • PTBox_cstTemp::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Temp within box [only for constant T]

  • v_box::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] only for NotInAirBox, velocity with which box moves in cm/yr

  • t0_box::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] beginning time of movemen in Myr

  • t1_box::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] end time of movement in Myr

  • clapeyron_slope::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] clapeyron slope of phase transition [in K/MPa]; P = ( T - T0_clapeyron ) * clapeyron_slope + P0_clapeyron

  • P0_clapeyron::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] P0_clapeyron [Pa]

  • T0_clapeyron::Union{Nothing, Float64}: [optional] T0_clapeyron [C]

Scaling{T} is a structure that contains the scaling info, employed in the current simulation
  • Scaling::Any: Scaling object (as in GeoParams), which can be GEO_units(), NO_units(), or SI_units()
Defines strain softening parameters
  • ID::Int64: softening law ID

  • APS1::Float64: Begin of softening, in units of accumulated plastic strain (APS)

  • APS2::Float64: End of softening, in units of accumulated plastic strain (APS)

  • A::Float64: Reduction ratio

  • Lm::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Material length scale (in selected units, e.g. km in geo)

  • APSheal2::Union{Nothing, Float64}: APS when healTau2 activates

  • healTau::Union{Nothing, Float64}: healing timescale parameter [Myr]

  • healTau2::Union{Nothing, Float64}: healing timescale parameter [Myr] starting at APS=APSheal2

Structure that contains the LaMEM global solution parameters.
  • gravity::Vector{Float64}: gravitational acceleration vector

  • FSSA::Float64: free surface stabilization parameter [0 - 1]; The value has to be between 0 and 1

  • FSSA_allVel::Int64: free surface stabilization parameter applied to all velocity components? Default is yes; if not it is only applied to the z-component
  • shear_heat_eff::Float64: shear heating efficiency parameter [0 - 1]

  • Adiabatic_Heat::Float64: Adiabatic Heating activation flag and efficiency. 0.0 - 1.0

  • act_temp_diff::Int64: temperature diffusion activation flag

  • act_therm_exp::Int64: thermal expansion activation flag

  • act_steady_temp::Int64: steady-state temperature initial guess activation flag

  • steady_temp_t::Float64: time for (quasi-)steady-state temperature initial guess

  • nstep_steady::Int64: number of steps for (quasi-)steady-state temperature initial guess (default = 1)

  • act_heat_rech::Int64: recharge heat in anomalous bodies after (quasi-)steady-state temperature initial guess (=2: recharge after every diffusion step of initial guess)

  • init_lith_pres::Int64: sets initial pressure to be the lithostatic pressure (stabilizes compressible setups in the first steps)

  • init_guess::Int64: create an initial guess step (using constant viscosity eta_ref before starting the simulation

  • p_litho_visc::Int64: use lithostatic instead of dynamic pressure for creep laws

  • p_litho_plast::Int64: use lithostatic pressure for plasticity

  • p_lim_plast::Int64: limit pressure at first iteration for plasticity

  • p_shift::Int64: add a constant value [MPa] to the total pressure field, before evaluating plasticity (e.g., when the domain is located @ some depth within the crust)

  • act_p_shift::Int64: pressure shift activation flag (enforce zero pressure on average in the top cell layer); note: this overwrites p_shift above!

  • eta_min::Float64: viscosity lower bound [Pas]

  • eta_max::Float64: viscosity upper limit [Pas]

  • eta_ref::Float64: Reference viscosity (used for the initial guess) [Pas]

  • T_ref::Float64: Reference temperature [C]

  • RUGC::Float64: universal gas constant (you need to change this only for non-dimensional setups)

  • min_cohes::Float64: cohesion lower bound [Pa]

  • min_fric::Float64: friction lower bound [degree]

  • tau_ult::Float64: ultimate yield stress [Pa]

  • rho_fluid::Float64: fluid density for depth-dependent density model

  • gw_level_type::String: ground water level type for pore pressure computation (see below)

  • gw_level::Float64: ground water level at the free surface (if defined)

  • biot::Float64: Biot pressure parameter

  • get_permea::Float64: effective permeability computation activation flag

  • rescal::Float64: stencil rescaling flag (for internal constraints, for example while computing permeability)

  • mfmax::Float64: maximum melt fraction affecting viscosity reduction

  • lmaxit::Int64: maximum number of local rheology iterations

  • lrtol::Float64: local rheology iterations relative tolerance

  • act_dike::Int64: dike activation flag (additonal term in divergence)

  • useTk::Int64: switch to use T-dependent conductivity, 0: not active

  • dikeHeat::Int64: switch to use Behn & Ito heat source in the dike

  • adiabatic_gradient::Float64: Adiabatic gradient in combination with Behn & Ito dike

  • Compute_velocity_gradient::Int64: compute the velocity gradient tensor 1: active, 0: not active. If active, it automatically activates the output in the .pvd file

  • Phasetrans::Int64: Activate Phase Transitions on Particles or not, 0: not.

  • Passive_Tracer::Int64: Activate Passive Tracers or not?

Structure that contains the LaMEM solver options
  • SolverType::String: solver employed ["direct" or "multigrid"]

  • DirectSolver::String: mumps/superlu_dist/pastix/umfpack (requires these external PETSc packages to be installed!)

  • DirectPenalty::Float64: penalty parameter [employed if we use a direct solver]

  • MGLevels::Int64: number of MG levels [default=3]

  • MGSweeps::Int64: number of MG smoothening steps per level [default=10]

  • MGSmoother::String: type of smoothener used [chebyshev or jacobi]

  • MGJacobiDamp::Float64: Dampening parameter [only employed for Jacobi smoothener; default=0.6]

  • MGCoarseSolver::String: coarse grid solver if using multigrid ["direct" / "mumps" / "superlu_dist" or "redundant" - more options specifiable through the command-line options -crs_ksp_type & -crs_pc_type]

  • MGRedundantNum::Int64: How many times do we copy the coarse grid? [only employed for redundant solver; default is 4]

  • MGRedundantSolver::String: The coarse grid solver for each of the redundant solves [only employed for redundant; options are "mumps"/"superlu_dist" with default "superlu_dist"]

  • PETSc_options::Vector{String}: List with (optional) PETSc options

Structure that contains the LaMEM timestepping information. An explanation of the paramneters is given in the struct `Time_info`
  • time_end::Float64: simulation end time

  • dt::Float64: initial time step

  • dt_min::Float64: minimum time step (declare divergence if lower value is attempted)

  • dt_max::Float64: maximum time step

  • dt_out::Float64: output step (output at least at fixed time intervals)

  • inc_dt::Float64: time step increment per time step (fraction of unit)

  • CFL::Float64: CFL (Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy) criterion

  • CFLMAX::Float64: CFL criterion for elasticity

  • nstep_max::Int64: maximum allowed number of steps (lower bound: timeend/dtmax)

  • nstep_out::Int64: save output every n steps; Set this to -1 to deactivate saving output

  • nstep_rdb::Int64: save restart database every n steps

  • num_dt_periods::Int64: number of time stepping periods

  • time_dt_periods::Vector{Int64}: timestamps where timestep should be fixed (first entry has to 0)

  • step_dt_periods::Vector{Float64}: target timesteps ar timestamps above

  • nstep_ini::Int64: save output for n initial steps

  • time_tol::Float64: relative tolerance for time comparisons

LaMEM boundary condition internal velocty cylinder `VelCylinder` object
  • baseX::Float64: X-coordinate of base of cylinder

  • baseY::Float64: Y-coordinate of base of cylinder

  • baseZ::Float64: Z-coordinate of base of cylinder

  • capX::Float64: X-coordinate of cap of cylinder

  • capY::Float64: Y-coordinate of cap of cylinder

  • capZ::Float64: Z-coordinate of cap of cylinder

  • radius::Float64: radius of cylinder

  • vx::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Vx velocity of cylinder (default is unconstrained)

  • vy::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Vy velocity of cylinder (default is unconstrained)

  • vz::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Vz velocity of cylinder (default is unconstrained)

  • advect::Int64: cylinder advection flag

  • vmag::Float64: magnitude of velocity applied along the cylinder's axis of orientation

  • type::String: velocity profile [uniform or parabolic]

Define velocity regions within the modelling region, by specifying its center point and width along the three axis.
  • cenX::Float64: X-coordinate of center of box

  • cenY::Float64: Y-coordinate of center of box

  • cenZ::Float64: Z-coordinate of center of box

  • widthX::Float64: Width of box in x-direction

  • widthY::Float64: Width of box in y-direction

  • widthZ::Float64: Width of box in Z-direction

  • vx::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Vx velocity of box (default is unconstrained)

  • vy::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Vx velocity of box (default is unconstrained)

  • vz::Union{Nothing, Float64}: Vx velocity of box (default is unconstrained)

  • advect::Int64: box advection flag

add_box!(model::Model; xlim=Tuple{2}, [ylim=Tuple{2}], zlim=Tuple{2},
        Origin=nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=0,
        phase = ConstantPhase(1),
        T=nothing )

Adds a box with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models See the documentation of the GMG routine for the full options.

add_cylinder!(model::Model;                                      # required input
                base=Tuple{3}, cap=Tuple{3}, radius=Tuple{1},   # center and radius of the sphere
                phase = ConstantPhase(1),                       # Sets the phase number(s) in the sphere
                T=nothing )                                     # Sets the thermal structure (various fucntions are available)

See the documentation of the GMG routine

add_ellipsoid!(model::Model;                                 # required input
                cen=Tuple{3}, axes=Tuple{3},                # center and semi-axes of the ellpsoid
                Origin=nothing, StrikeAngle=0, DipAngle=0,  # origin & dip/strike
                phase = ConstantPhase(1),                   # Sets the phase number(s) in the box
                T=nothing )

See the documentation of the GMG routine

add_layer!(model::Model; xlim, ylim, zlim=Tuple{2},
        phase = ConstantPhase(1),
        T=nothing )

Adds a layer with phase & temperature structure to a 3D model setup. This simplifies creating model geometries in geodynamic models See the documentation of the GMG routine for the full options.

add_polygon!(model::Model;                                 # required input
                phase = ConstantPhase(1),                 # Sets the phase number(s) in the box

See the documentation of the GMG routine

add_slab!(model::Model;                                 # required input
                phase = ConstantPhase(1),                 # Sets the phase number(s) in the box

See the documentation of the GMG routine

add_stripes!(Phase, Grid::AbstractGeneralGrid;
            stripAxes       = (1,1,0),
            stripeWidth     =  0.2,
            stripeSpacing   =  1,
            Origin          =  nothing,
            StrikeAngle     =  0,
            DipAngle        =  10,
            phase           =  ConstantPhase(3),
            stripePhase     =  ConstantPhase(4))

See the documentation of the GMG routine

PT = passivetracer_time(ID::Union{Vector{Int64},Int64}, model::Model)

This reads passive tracers with ID from a LaMEM simulation specified by model, and returns a named tuple with the temporal evolution of these passive tracers. We return x,y,z coordinates and all fields specified in FileName for particles number ID.

Timestep, FileNames, Time = read_LaMEM_simulation(model::Model; phase=false, surf=false, passive_tracers=false)

Reads a LaMEM simulation as specified in model and returns the timesteps, times and filenames of that simulation once it is finished.

data, time = read_LaMEM_timestep(model::Model, TimeStep::Int64=0; fields=nothing, phase=false, surf=false, last=true)

Reads a specific Timestep from a simulation specified in model

model = UpdateDefaultParameters(model::Model)

This updates the default parameters depending on some of the input parameters. If you activate passive tracers, for example, it will also activate output for that

above_surface!(model::Model, DataSurface_Cart::CartData; phase::Int64=nothing, T::Number=nothing)

Sets the Temp or Phases above the surface DataSurface_Cart to a constant value.

add_geom!(model::Model, geom_object)

This adds an internal geometric primitive object geom_object to the LaMEM Model Setup model.

Currently available primitive geom objects are:

  • GeomSphere
  • GeomEllipsoid
  • GeomBox
  • GeomLayer
  • GeomCylinder
  • GeomRidgeSeg
  • GeomHex
add_petsc!(model::Model, option::String)

Adds one or more PETSc options to the model


julia> d = Model()
julia> add_petsc!(d,"-snes_npicard 3")
add_topography!(model::Model, topography::CartData; surf_air_phase=0, surf_topo_file="topography.txt", open_top_bound=1,  surf_level=0.0)

Adds the topography surface to the model

model, cores =  adjust_for_platforms(model, cores::Int64)

On certain platforms we have restrictions (MPI is broken on windows currently, so we need to adjust things accordingly)

below_surface!(model::Model, DataSurface_Cart::CartData; phase::Union{Int64,Nothing}=nothing, T::Union{Number,Nothing}=nothing)

Sets the Temp or Phases below the surface DataSurface_Cart to a constant value.

create_initialsetup(model::Model, cores::Int64=1, args::String=""; verbose=verbose)

Creates the initial model setup of LaMEM from model, which includes:

  • Writing the LaMEM (*.dat) input file

and in case we do not employt geometric primitives to create the setup:

  • Write the VTK file (if requested when model.Output.write_VTK_setup=true)
  • Write the marker files to disk (if model.ModelSetup.msetup="files")
data_tuple, axes_str = cross_section(model::LaMEM.Model, field=:phases; x=nothing, y=nothing, z=nothing)

This creates a cross-section through the initial model setup & returns a 2D array

Cross = cross_section(cart::CartData, field::Symbol =:phase; x=nothing, y=nothing, z=nothing)

Creates a cross-section through the data and returns x,z coordinates

digitsep(value::Integer; separator=",", per_separator=3)

Convert an integer to a string, separating each per_separator digits by separator.

digitsep(12345678)  # "12,345,678"
digitsep(12345678, seperator= "'")  # "12'345'678"
digitsep(12345678, seperator= "-", per_separator=4)  # "1234-5678"
prepare_lamem(model::Model, cores::Int64=1, args:String=""; verbose=false)

Prepares a LaMEM run for the parameters that are specified in model, without running the simulation 1) Create the *.dat file 2) Write markers to disk in case we use a "files" setup

This is useful if you want to prepare a model on one machine but run it on another one (e.g. a cluster)

Set model.Output.write_VTK_setup to true if you want to write a VTK file of the model setup

replace_phase!(model::Model, phase_new::Phase; ID::Int64=nothing, Name::String=nothing)

This replaces a phase within a LaMEM Model Setup model with phase_new either based on its Name or ID. Note that it is expected that only one such phase is present in the current setup.

set_air(; Name="air", ID=0, rho=1, alpha=nothing, eta=1e17, G=nothing, nu=nothing, fr=nothing, ch=nothing, k=30,Cp=1000)

Sets an air phase, with high conductivity

τ = stress_strainrate_0D(rheology, ε_vec::Vector; n=8, T=700, nstep_max=2, clean=true)

Computes the stress for a given strain rate and 0D rheology setup, for viscous creep rheologies. n is the resolution in x,z, T the temperature, nstep_max the number of time steps, ε_vec the strainrate vector (in 1/s).

write_LaMEM_inputFile(io, d::Grid)

This writes grid info to a LaMEM input file


julia> d=LaMEM.Grid(coord_x=[0.0, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0], bias_x=[0.3,1.0,3.0], nel_x=[10,4,2])
julia> io = open("test.dat","w")
julia> LaMEM.write_LaMEM_inputFile(io, d)
julia> close(io)
run_lamem(model::Model, cores::Int64=1, args:String=""; wait=true)

Performs a LaMEM run for the parameters that are specified in model
