3D Subduction example
This is a 3D subduction example for LaMEM.jl
that illustrates how to use the julia interface. This is very similar to the setup described by Schellart and coworkers in a 2007 nature paper in which they demonstrate that toroidal flow changes the slab curvature during subduction as a function of slab width.
1. Generate main model setup
We first load the packages:
using LaMEM, GeophysicalModelGenerator
Next, we generate the main model setup, specifying the resolution and grid dimensions. Note that a range of default values will be set, depending on the parameters you specify.
model = Model(
# Define the grid
Grid(nel=(128,32,64), x=[-3960, 500], y=[0,2640], z=[-660 ,0]),
# No slip lower boundary; the rest is free slip
BoundaryConditions(noslip = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]),
# We use a multigrid solver with 4 levels:
Solver(SolverType="multigrid", MGLevels=4, MGCoarseSolver="mumps",
PETSc_options=[ "-snes_type ksponly",
"-js_ksp_rtol 1e-3",
"-js_ksp_atol 1e-4",
# Output filename
Output(out_file_name="Subduction_3D", out_dir="Subduction_3D"),
# Timestepping etc
Time(nstep_max=200, nstep_out=5, time_end=100, dt_min=1e-5),
# Scaling:
Scaling(GEO_units(length=1km, stress=1e9Pa) )
2. Define geometry
Next, we specify the geometry of the model, using the AddBox!
function from GeophysicalModelGenerator
. We start with the horizontal part of the slab. The function AddBox!
allows you to specify a layered lithosphere; here we have a crust and mantle. It also allows specifying a thermal structure. Since the current setup is only mechanical, we don't specify that here.
add_box!(model, xlim=(-3000,-1000), ylim=(0,1000), zlim=(-80,0), phase=LithosphericPhases(Layers=[20,60], Phases=[1,2]))
The inclined part of the slab is generate by giving it a dip:
add_box!(model, xlim=(-1000,-810), ylim=(0,1000), zlim=(-80,0), phase=LithosphericPhases(Layers=[20,60], Phases=[1,2]), DipAngle=16)
There is a simple way to have a quick look at this setup by using the Plots.jl
using Plots
plot_cross_section(model, y=100, field=:phase)
Which will give the following plot:
3. Add material properties:
We can specify material properties by using the Phase
mantle = Phase(Name="mantle",ID=0,eta=1e21,rho=3200)
crust = Phase(Name="crust", ID=1,eta=1e21,rho=3280)
slab = Phase(Name="slab", ID=2,eta=2e23,rho=3280)
and we can add them to the model with:
add_phase!(model, mantle, slab, crust)
You can check that this is set with:
LaMEM Model setup
|-- Scaling : GeoParams.Units.GeoUnits{GEO}
|-- Grid : nel=(128, 32, 64); xϵ(-3960.0, 500.0), yϵ(0.0, 2640.0), zϵ(-660.0, 0.0)
|-- Time : nstep_max=200; nstep_out=5; time_end=100.0; dt=0.05
|-- Boundary conditions : noslip=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
|-- Solution parameters : eta_min=1.0e18; eta_max=1.0e25; eta_ref=1.0e20; act_temp_diff=0
|-- Solver options : multigrid solver; coarse grid solver=mumps; 4 levels
|-- Model setup options : Type=files;
|-- Output options : filename=Subduction_3D; pvd=1; avd=0; surf=0
|-- Materials : 3 phases;
4. Run the model
on windows MPI + mumps currently does not work
if Sys.iswindows()
model.Solver.MGCoarseSolver = "direct"
Add this stage, we are ready to run the simulation. On my machine it takes around 4 seconds per timestep on 8 cores:
try testing == true
if we run this as part of the test suite, use fewer timesteps
run_lamem(model, 8, "-nstep_max 2 -nstep_out 1")
run_lamem(model, 8) # run on 8 cores (if possible)
The results looks like this with paraview: Note that this is a significantly higher resolution than the original paper, which was run on an HPC system (admittedly, this was 20 years ago).
The file Subduction_3D.jl
in /scripts
reproduces this example
Markdown page generation
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