
Material properties for a given phase can be set with SetMaterialParams, whereas all properties are stored in the MaterialParams structure. Information about the material parameter is found at MaterialParamsInfo. This can be employed


Structure that holds information (Equation, Comment, BibTex_Reference) about a given material parameter, which can be used to create parameter tables, documentation etc.

Usually used in combination with param_info(the_parameter_of_interest)

SetMaterialParams(; Name::String="", Phase::Int64=1,
                    Density             =   nothing,
                    Gravity             =   nothing,
                    CreepLaws           =   nothing,
                    Elasticity          =   nothing,
                    Plasticity          =   nothing,
                    CompositeRheology   =   nothing,
                    ChemDiffusion       =   nothing,
                    Conductivity        =   nothing,
                    HeatCapacity        =   nothing,
                    RadioactiveHeat     =   nothing,
                    LatentHeat          =   nothing,
                    ShearHeat           =   nothing,
                    Permeability        =   nothing,
                    Melting             =   nothing,
                    SeismicVelocity     =   nothing,
                    CharDim::GeoUnits   =   nothing)

Sets material parameters for a given phase.

If CharDim is specified the input parameters are non-dimensionalized. Note that if Density is specified, we also set Gravity even if not explicitly listed


Define two viscous creep laws & constant density:

julia> Phase = SetMaterialParams(Name="Viscous Matrix",
                       Density   = ConstantDensity(),
                       CreepLaws = (PowerlawViscous(), LinearViscous(η=1e21Pa*s)))
Phase 1 : Viscous Matrix
        | [dimensional units]
        |-- Density           : Constant density: ρ=2900 kg m⁻³
        |-- Gravity           : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.81 m s⁻²
        |-- CreepLaws         : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=1.0e18 Pa s, n=2.0, ε0=1.0e-15 s⁻¹
        |                       Linear viscosity: η=1.0e21 Pa s

Define two viscous creep laws & P/T dependent density and nondimensionalize

julia> CharUnits_GEO   =   GEO_units(viscosity=1e19, length=1000km);
julia> Phase = SetMaterialParams(Name="Viscous Matrix", Phase=33,
                              Density   = PT_Density(),
                              CreepLaws = (PowerlawViscous(n=3), LinearViscous(η=1e23Pa*s)),
                              CharDim   = CharUnits_GEO)
Phase 33: Viscous Matrix
        | [non-dimensional units]
        |-- Density           : P/T-dependent density: ρ0=2.9e-16, α=0.038194500000000006, β=0.01, T0=0.21454659702313156, P0=0.0
        |-- Gravity           : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.810000000000002e18
        |-- CreepLaws         : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=0.1, n=3, ε0=0.001
        |                       Linear viscosity: η=10000.0

You can also create an array that holds several parameters:

julia> MatParam        =   Array{MaterialParams, 1}(undef, 2);
julia> Phase           =   1;
julia> MatParam[Phase] =   SetMaterialParams(Name="Upper Crust", Phase=Phase,
                            CreepLaws= (PowerlawViscous(), LinearViscous(η=1e23Pa*s)),
                            Density  = ConstantDensity(ρ=2900kg/m^3));
julia> Phase           =   2;
julia> MatParam[Phase] =   SetMaterialParams(Name="Lower Crust", Phase=Phase,
                            CreepLaws= (PowerlawViscous(n=5), LinearViscous(η=1e21Pa*s)),
                            Density  = PT_Density(ρ0=3000kg/m^3));
julia> MatParam
2-element Vector{MaterialParams}:
 Phase 1 : Upper Crust
    | [dimensional units]
    |-- Density           : Constant density: ρ=2900 kg m⁻³
    |-- Gravity           : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.81 m s⁻²
    |-- CreepLaws         : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=1.0e18 Pa s, n=2.0, ε0=1.0e-15 s⁻¹
    |                       Linear viscosity: η=1.0e23 Pa s

 Phase 2 : Lower Crust
    | [dimensional units]
    |-- Density           : P/T-dependent density: ρ0=3000 kg m⁻³, α=3.0e-5 K⁻¹, β=1.0e-9 Pa⁻¹, T0=0 °C, P0=0 MPa
    |-- Gravity           : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.81 m s⁻²
    |-- CreepLaws         : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=1.0e18 Pa s, n=5, ε0=1.0e-15 s⁻¹
    |                       Linear viscosity: η=1.0e21 Pa s