Material properties for a given phase can be set with SetMaterialParams
, whereas all properties are stored in the MaterialParams
structure. Information about the material parameter is found at MaterialParamsInfo
. This can be employed
— TypeMaterialParamsInfo
Structure that holds information (Equation, Comment, BibTex_Reference) about a given material parameter, which can be used to create parameter tables, documentation etc.
Usually used in combination with param_info(the_parameter_of_interest)
— FunctionSetMaterialParams(; Name::String="", Phase::Int64=1,
Density = nothing,
Gravity = nothing,
CreepLaws = nothing,
Elasticity = nothing,
Plasticity = nothing,
CompositeRheology = nothing,
ChemDiffusion = nothing,
Conductivity = nothing,
HeatCapacity = nothing,
RadioactiveHeat = nothing,
LatentHeat = nothing,
ShearHeat = nothing,
Permeability = nothing,
Melting = nothing,
SeismicVelocity = nothing,
CharDim::GeoUnits = nothing)
Sets material parameters for a given phase.
If CharDim
is specified the input parameters are non-dimensionalized. Note that if Density
is specified, we also set Gravity
even if not explicitly listed
Define two viscous creep laws & constant density:
julia> Phase = SetMaterialParams(Name="Viscous Matrix",
Density = ConstantDensity(),
CreepLaws = (PowerlawViscous(), LinearViscous(η=1e21Pa*s)))
Phase 1 : Viscous Matrix
| [dimensional units]
|-- Density : Constant density: ρ=2900 kg m⁻³
|-- Gravity : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.81 m s⁻²
|-- CreepLaws : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=1.0e18 Pa s, n=2.0, ε0=1.0e-15 s⁻¹
| Linear viscosity: η=1.0e21 Pa s
Define two viscous creep laws & P/T dependent density and nondimensionalize
julia> CharUnits_GEO = GEO_units(viscosity=1e19, length=1000km);
julia> Phase = SetMaterialParams(Name="Viscous Matrix", Phase=33,
Density = PT_Density(),
CreepLaws = (PowerlawViscous(n=3), LinearViscous(η=1e23Pa*s)),
CharDim = CharUnits_GEO)
Phase 33: Viscous Matrix
| [non-dimensional units]
|-- Density : P/T-dependent density: ρ0=2.9e-16, α=0.038194500000000006, β=0.01, T0=0.21454659702313156, P0=0.0
|-- Gravity : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.810000000000002e18
|-- CreepLaws : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=0.1, n=3, ε0=0.001
| Linear viscosity: η=10000.0
You can also create an array that holds several parameters:
julia> MatParam = Array{MaterialParams, 1}(undef, 2);
julia> Phase = 1;
julia> MatParam[Phase] = SetMaterialParams(Name="Upper Crust", Phase=Phase,
CreepLaws= (PowerlawViscous(), LinearViscous(η=1e23Pa*s)),
Density = ConstantDensity(ρ=2900kg/m^3));
julia> Phase = 2;
julia> MatParam[Phase] = SetMaterialParams(Name="Lower Crust", Phase=Phase,
CreepLaws= (PowerlawViscous(n=5), LinearViscous(η=1e21Pa*s)),
Density = PT_Density(ρ0=3000kg/m^3));
julia> MatParam
2-element Vector{MaterialParams}:
Phase 1 : Upper Crust
| [dimensional units]
|-- Density : Constant density: ρ=2900 kg m⁻³
|-- Gravity : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.81 m s⁻²
|-- CreepLaws : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=1.0e18 Pa s, n=2.0, ε0=1.0e-15 s⁻¹
| Linear viscosity: η=1.0e23 Pa s
Phase 2 : Lower Crust
| [dimensional units]
|-- Density : P/T-dependent density: ρ0=3000 kg m⁻³, α=3.0e-5 K⁻¹, β=1.0e-9 Pa⁻¹, T0=0 °C, P0=0 MPa
|-- Gravity : Gravitational acceleration: g=9.81 m s⁻²
|-- CreepLaws : Powerlaw viscosity: η0=1.0e18 Pa s, n=5, ε0=1.0e-15 s⁻¹
| Linear viscosity: η=1.0e21 Pa s
— TypeMaterialParams
Structure that holds all material parameters for a given phase