Melting Parameterizations


A number of melting parameterisations are implemented, which can be set with:


Implements the T-dependent melting parameterisation used by Caricchi, Simpson et al. (as for example described in Simpson)

\[ \theta = {(a - (T + c)) \over b}\]

\[ \phi_{melt} = {1.0 \over (1.0 + e^\theta)}\]

Note that T is in Kelvin. As default parameters we employ:

\[b=23K, a=800K , c=273.15K\]

Which gives a reasonable fit to experimental data of granodioritic composition (Piwinskii and Wyllie, 1968):



  • Simpson G. (2017) Practical finite element modelling in Earth Sciences Using MATLAB.

Implements the a smooth 3rd order T-dependent melting parameterisation (as used by Melnik and coworkers)

\[ x = { (T - 273.15) \over 1000.0}\]

\[ \theta = { a + b * x + c * x^2 + d * x^3}\]

\[ \phi_{melt} = {1.0 \over (1.0 + e^\theta)}\]

Note that T is in Kelvin.

As default parameters we employ:

\[a=517.9, b=-1619.0, c=1699.0, d = -597.4\]

which gives a reasonable fit to experimental data for basalt.

Data for rhyolite are:

\[a=3043.0, b=-10552.0, c=12204.9, d = -4709.0\]

MeltingParam_Smooth3rdOrder Red: Rhyolite, Blue: Basalt



Uses a 5th order polynomial to describe the melt fraction phi between solidus temperature T_s and liquidus temperature T_l

\[ \phi = a T^5 + b T^4 + c T^3 + d T^2 + e T + f \textrm{ for } T_s ≤ T ≤ T_l\]

\[ \phi = 1 \textrm{ if } T>T_l\]

\[ \phi = 0 \textrm{ if } T<T_s\]

Temperature T is in Kelvin.


The default values are for a composite liquid-line-of-descent:

  • the upper part is for Andesite from: (Blatter, D. L. & Carmichael, I. S. (2001) Hydrous phase equilibria of a Mexican highsilica andesite: a candidate for a mantle origin? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 4043–4065
  • the lower part is extrapolated to the granitic minimum using the Marxer & Ulmer LLD for Andesite (Marxer, F. & Ulmer, P. (2019) Crystallisation and zircon saturation of calc-alkaline tonalite from the Adamello Batholith at upper crustal conditions: an experimental study. Contributions Mineral. Petrol. 174, 84)

Uses a 4th order polynomial to describe the melt fraction phi between solidus temperature T_s and liquidus temperature T_l

\[ \phi = b T^4 + c T^3 + d T^2 + e T + f \textrm{ for } T_s ≤ T ≤ T_l\]

\[ \phi = 1 \textrm{ if } T>T_l\]

\[ \phi = 0 \textrm{ if } T<T_s\]

Temperature T is in Kelvin.


The default values are for Tonalite experiments from Marxer and Ulmer (2019):

  • Marxer, F. & Ulmer, P. (2019) Crystallisation and zircon saturation of calc-alkaline tonalite from the Adamello Batholith at upper crustal conditions: an experimental study. Contributions Mineral. Petrol. 174, 84

Quadratic melt fraction parameterisation where melt fraction $\phi$ depends only on solidus ($T_s$) and liquidus ($T_l$) temperature:

\[ \phi = 1.0 - \left( {T_l - T} \over {T_l - T_s} \right)^2\]

\[ \phi = 1.0 \textrm{ if } T>T_l\]

\[ \phi = 0.0 \textrm{ if } T<T_s\]

Temperature T is in Kelvin.


This was used, among others, in Tierney et al. (2016) Geology


Melt fraction parameterisation that takes the assimilation of crustal host rocks into account, as used by Tierney et al. (2016) based upon a parameterisation of Spera and Bohrson (2001)

Here, the fraction of molten and assimilated host rocks $\phi$ depends on the solidus ($T_s$) and liquidus ($T_l$) temperatures of the rocks, as well as on a parameter $a=0.005$

\[ X = \left( {T - T_s} \over {T_l - T_s} \right)\]

\[ \phi = a \cdot \left( \exp^{2ln(100)X} - 1.0 \right) \textrm{ if } X ≤ 0.5\]

\[ \phi = 1- a \cdot \exp^{2ln(100)(1-X)} \textrm{ if } X > 0.5\]

\[ \phi = 1.0 \textrm{ if } T>T_l\]

\[ \phi = 0.0 \textrm{ if } T<T_s\]

Temperature T is in Kelvin.


This was used, among others, in Tierney et al. (2016), who employed as default parameters:

\[ T_s=973.15, T_l=1173.15, a=0.005\]


  • Spera, F.J., and Bohrson, W.A., 2001, Energy-Constrained Open-System Magmatic Processes I: General Model and Energy-Constrained Assimilation and Fractional Crystallization (EC- AFC) Formulation: Journal of Petrology, v. 42, p. 999–1018.
  • Tierney, C.R., Schmitt, A.K., Lovera, O.M., de Silva, S.L., 2016. Voluminous plutonism during volcanic quiescence revealed by thermochemical modeling of zircon. Geology 44, 683–686.
SmoothMelting(; p=MeltingParam_4thOrder(), k_sol=0.2/K,  k_liq=0.2/K)

This smoothens the melting parameterisation $p$ around the solidus $T_{sol}$ and liquidus $T_{liq}$ using a smoothened Heaviside step functions for the solidus:

\[ H_{sol} = {1.0 \over { 1 + \exp( -2 k_{sol} (T - T_{sol} - {2 \over k_{sol}}) ) }}\]

and liquidus:

\[ H_{liq} = 1.0 - {1.0 \over { 1 + \exp( -2 k_{liq} (T - T_{liq} + {2 \over k_{liq}}) ) }}\]

The resulting melt fraction $\phi$ is computed from the original melt fraction $\phi_0$ (computed using one of the methods above) as:

\[ \phi = \phi_0 H_{sol} H_{liq} + 1.0 - H_{liq}\]

The width of the smoothening zones is controlled by $k_{sol}, k_{liq}$ (larger values = sharper boundary).

This is important, as jumps in the derivative $dϕ/dT$ can cause numerical instabilities in latent heat computations, which is prevented with this smoothening.


Let's consider a 4th order parameterisation:

julia> using GLMakie, GeoParams
julia> p = MeltingParam_4thOrder();
julia> T= collect(650.0:1:1050.) .+ 273.15;
julia> T,phi,dϕdT =  PlotMeltFraction(p,T=T);

The same but with smoothening:

julia> p_s = SmoothMelting(p=MeltingParam_4thOrder(), k_liq=0.21/K);
4th order polynomial melting curve: phi = -7.594512597174117e-10T^4 + 3.469192091489447e-6T^3 + -0.00592352980926T^2 + 4.482855645604745T + -1268.730161921053  963.15 K ≤ T ≤ 1270.15 K with smooth Heaviside function smoothening using k_sol=0.1 K⁻¹·⁰, k_liq=0.11 K⁻¹·⁰
julia> T_s,phi_s,dϕdT_s =  PlotMeltFraction(p_s,T=T);

We can create plots of this with:

julia> plt1 = plot(T.-273.15, phi, ylabel="Melt Fraction ϕ", color=:red, label="original", xlabel="Temperature [C]")
julia> plt1 = plot(plt1, T.-273.15, phi_s,  color=:black, label="smoothened", legend=:bottomright)
julia> plt2 = plot(T.-273.15, dϕdT, ylabel="dϕ/dT", color=:red, label="original", xlabel="Temperature [C]")
julia> plt2 = plot(plt2, T.-273.15, dϕdT_s,  color=:black, label="smoothened", legend=:topright)
julia> plot!(plt1,plt2,   xlabel="Temperature [C]", layout=(2,1))

The derivative no longer has a jump now:



Computational routines

To compute the melt fraction at given T and P, use:

compute_meltfraction!(ϕ::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, P::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat},T:AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, p::PhaseDiagram_LookupTable)

In-place computation of melt fraction in case we use a phase diagram lookup table. The table should have the column :meltFrac specified.

compute_meltfraction(ϕ::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, Phases::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, P::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat},T::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, MatParam::AbstractArray{<:AbstractMaterialParamsStruct})

In-place computation of melt fraction ϕ for the whole domain and all phases, in case an array with phase properties MatParam is provided, along with P and T arrays.

compute_meltfraction(P,T, p::AbstractPhaseDiagramsStruct)

Computes melt fraction in case we use a phase diagram lookup table. The table should have the column :meltFrac specified.

ϕ = compute_meltfraction(Phases::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, P::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat},T::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, MatParam::AbstractArray{<:AbstractMaterialParamsStruct})

Computation of melt fraction ϕ for the whole domain and all phases, in case an array with phase properties MatParam is provided, along with P and T arrays.


You can also obtain the derivative of melt fraction versus temperature with (useful to compute latent heat effects):

compute_dϕdT!(ϕ::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, Phases::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, P::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat},T::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, MatParam::AbstractArray{<:AbstractMaterialParamsStruct})

Computates the derivative of melt fraction ϕ versus temperature T, ${\partial \phi} \over {\partial T}$ for the whole domain and all phases, in case an array with phase properties MatParam is provided, along with P and T arrays. This is employed, for example, in computing latent heat terms in an implicit manner.

compute_dϕdT(P,T, p::AbstractPhaseDiagramsStruct)

Computes derivative of melt fraction vs T in case we use a phase diagram lookup table. The table should have the column :meltFrac specified. The derivative is computed by finite differencing.

ϕ = compute_dϕdT(Phases::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, P::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat},T::AbstractArray{<:AbstractFloat}, MatParam::AbstractArray{<:AbstractMaterialParamsStruct})

Computates the derivative of melt fraction ϕ versus temperature T for the whole domain and all phases, in case an array with phase properties MatParam is provided, along with P and T arrays. This is employed in computing latent heat terms in an implicit manner, for example


Also note that phase diagrams can be imported using PerpleX_LaMEM_Diagram, which may also have melt content information. The computational routines work with that as well.

Plotting routines

You can use the routine PlotMeltFraction to create a plot, provided that the GLMakie package has been loaded

T,phi,plt = PlotMeltFraction(p::AbstractMeltingParam; T=nothing, plt=nothing, lbl=nothing)

Creates a plot of temperature T vs. melt fraction, as specified in p. The 1D curve can be evaluated at a specific pressure P which can be given as a scalar or as an array of the same size as T

Optional parameters

  • T: temperature range
  • P: pressure
  • plt: a previously generated plotting object
  • lbl: label of the curve


julia> p          =  MeltingParam_Caricchi()
julia> T,phi,dϕdT =  PlotMeltFraction(p)

you can now save the figure to disk with:

julia> using Plots
julia> savefig(plt,"MeltFraction.png")