Fault Density Map


In this tutorial, Fault Data is loaded as Shapefiles, which is then transformed to raster data. With the help of that a fault density map of Europe is created.

1. Load Data

Load packages:

using GeophysicalModelGenerator, Shapefile, Plots, Rasters, GeoDatasets, Interpolations

Data is taken from "Active Faults of Eurasia Database AFEAD v2022" DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.25509.58084 You need to download it manually (as it doesn't seem to work automatically), and can load the following file:

File   = "AFEAD_v2022/AFEAD_v2022.shp"

Load data using the Shapefile package:

table  = Shapefile.Table(File)
geoms  = Shapefile.shapes(table)
CONF   = table.CONF

Raster the shapefile data

ind    = findall((table.CONF .== "A") .| (table.CONF .== "B") .| (table.CONF .== "C"))
faults = Shapefile.Handle(File).shapes[ind]
faults = rasterize(last,faults; res=(0.12,0.12), missingval=0, fill=1, atol = 0.4, shape=:line)
lon    = faults.dims[1]
lat    = faults.dims[2]

Download coastlines with GeoDatasets:

lonC,latC,dataC = GeoDatasets.landseamask(;resolution='l',grid=10)

Interpolate to fault grid

itp        = linear_interpolation((lonC, latC), dataC)
coastlines = itp[lon.val,lat.val]
coastlines = map(y -> y > 1 ? 1 : y, coastlines)

Plot the fault data

plot!(faults; color=:red,legend = false,title="Fault Map World",ylabel="Lat",xlabel="Lon")


Restrict area to Europe

indlat = findall((lat .> 35) .& (lat .< 60))
Lat    = lat[indlat]
indlon = findall((lon .> -10) .& (lon .< 35))
Lon    = lon[indlon]
data   = faults.data[indlon,indlat]

Create GeoData from restricted data

Lon3D,Lat3D, Faults = lonlatdepth_grid(Lon,Lat,0);
Faults[:,:,1]       = data
Data_Faults         = GeoData(Lon3D,Lat3D,Faults,(Faults=Faults,))

2. Create Density Map

Create a density map of the fault data. This is done with the countmap function. This function takes a specified field of a 2D GeoData struct and counts the entries in all control areas which are defined by steplon (number of control areas in lon direction) and steplat (number of control areas in lat direction). The field should only consist of 0.0 and 1.0 and the steplength. The final result is normalized by the highest count.

steplon  = 188
steplat  = 104
cntmap   = countmap(Data_Faults,"Faults",steplon,steplat)

Plot the density map with coastlines

lon = unique(cntmap.lon.val)
lat = unique(cntmap.lat.val)
coastlinesEurope = itp[lon,lat]
coastlinesEurope = map(y -> y > 1 ? 1 : y, coastlinesEurope)

Plot this using Plots.jl:

heatmap!(lon,lat,cntmap.fields.countmap[:,:,1]',colormap=cgrad(:batlowW,rev=true),alpha = 0.8,legend=true,title="Fault Density Map Europe",ylabel="Lat",xlabel="Lon")


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