Creating 3D numerical model setups


The aim of this tutorial is to show you how to create 3D numerical model setups that can be used as initial setups for other codes.

3D Subduction setup

Lets start with creating a 3D model setup in cartesian coordinates, which uses the CartData data structure

using GeophysicalModelGenerator

nx,ny,nz = 512,512,128
x = range(-1000,1000, nx);
y = range(-1000,1000, ny);
z = range(-660,0,    nz);
Grid = CartData(xyz_grid(x,y,z));

Now we create an integer array that will hold the Phases information (which usually refers to the material or rock type in the simulation)

Phases = fill(2,nx,ny,nz);

In many (geodynamic) models, one also has to define the temperature, so lets define it as well

Temp = fill(1350.0, nx,ny,nz);

Simple free subduction setup

Much of the options are explained in the 2D tutorial, which can directly be transferred to 3D. Therefore, we will start with a simple subduction setup, which consists of a horizontal part that has a mid-oceanic ridge on one explained

We use a lithospheric structure, which can be specified with the LithosphericPhases structure, where you can indicate Layers (the thickness of each lithospheric layer, starting from the top), and Phases the phases of the corresponding layers. Note that if the lowermost layer has the same phase as the mantle, you can define Tlab as the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary which will automatically adjust the phase depending on temperature

lith = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[15 45 10], Phases=[0 1 2], Tlab=1250)
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-800,0.0), ylim=(-400, 400.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith,
        T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3, MORside="right"), StrikeAngle=30);

And an an inclined part:

add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(0,300), ylim=(-400, 400.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith,
        T=McKenzie_subducting_slab(Tsurface=0,v_cm_yr=3), DipAngle=30, StrikeAngle=30);

Add them to the CartData dataset:

Grid = addfield(Grid,(;Phases, Temp))
    size    : (512, 512, 128)
    x       ϵ [ -1000.0 : 1000.0]
    y       ϵ [ -1000.0 : 1000.0]
    z       ϵ [ -660.0 : 0.0]
    fields  : (:Z, :Phases, :Temp)

Which looks like

Saved file: Grid3D_FreeSubduction.vts


More sophisticated setup

Next, lets consider a somewhat more complicated setup with curved slabs, an overriding plate and a thermal structure that transitions from half-space cooling to a slab that is heated from both sides

nx,ny,nz = 512,512,128
x = range(-1000,1000, nx);
y = range(-1000,1000, ny);
z = range(-660,0,    nz);
Grid = CartData(xyz_grid(x,y,z));

Phases = fill(2,nx,ny,nz);
Temp = fill(1350.0, nx,ny,nz);

Overriding plate with a 30 km crust and mantle lithosphere that where T<1250 celsius

lith_cont = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[30 200 50], Phases=[3 4 2], Tlab=1250)
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(400,1000), ylim=(-1000, 0.0), zlim=(-240.0, 0.0), phase = lith_cont, T=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=150));
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(200,1000), ylim=(-1000, 0.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith_cont,  T=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=150));

lith_cont = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[30 200 10], Phases=[5 6 2], Tlab=1250)
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(400,1000), ylim=(0, 1000),    zlim=(-240.0, 0.0), phase = lith_cont, T=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=200));
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(200,1000), ylim=(0, 1000),    zlim=( -80.0, 0.0), phase = lith_cont, T=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=200));

Define an oceanic plate with ridge

v_spread_cm_yr = 3      #spreading velocity
lith = LithosphericPhases(Layers=[15 45 10], Phases=[0 1 2], Tlab=1250)
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-800 , 200), ylim=(-1000, -400.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3));
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-1000,-800), ylim=(-1000, -400.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3,MORside="right"));

add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-700,  200), ylim=(-400, 200.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3));
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-1000,-700), ylim=(-400, 200.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3,MORside="right"));

add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-650,  200), ylim=(200, 1000.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3));
add_box!(Phases, Temp, Grid; xlim=(-1000,-650), ylim=(200, 1000.0), zlim=(-80.0, 0.0), phase = lith, T=SpreadingRateTemp(SpreadingVel=3,MORside="right"));

Subducting parts of the oceanic plate

The starting thermal age at the trench is that of the horizontal part of the oceanic plate (which is different along-trench, given that we have 3 mid oceanic ridge segments!): We want to add a smooth transition from a halfspace cooling 1D thermal profile to a slab that is heated by the surrounding mantle below a decoupling depth d_decoupling.

AgeTrench_Myrs = 1000*1e3/(v_spread_cm_yr/1e2)/1e6    #plate age @ trench
trench1 = Trench(Start=(200.0,-1000.0), End=(200.0,-400.0), Thickness=90.0, θ_max=45.0, Length=600, Lb=200, WeakzoneThickness=15, WeakzonePhase=7, d_decoupling=175);
T_slab  = LinearWeightedTemperature( F1=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=AgeTrench_Myrs), F2=McKenzie_subducting_slab(Tsurface=0,v_cm_yr=v_spread_cm_yr, Adiabat = 0.0))
add_slab!(Phases, Temp, Grid, trench1, phase = lith, T=T_slab);
AgeTrench_Myrs = (900)*1e3/(v_spread_cm_yr/1e2)/1e6    #plate age @ trench
trench1 = Trench(Start=(200.0,-400.0), End=(200.0,200.0), Thickness=90.0, θ_max=45.0, Length=600, Lb=200, WeakzoneThickness=15, WeakzonePhase=7, d_decoupling=175);
T_slab  = LinearWeightedTemperature( F1=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=AgeTrench_Myrs), F2=McKenzie_subducting_slab(Tsurface=0,v_cm_yr=v_spread_cm_yr, Adiabat = 0.0))
add_slab!(Phases, Temp, Grid, trench1, phase = lith, T=T_slab);
AgeTrench_Myrs = 850e3/(v_spread_cm_yr/1e2)/1e6    #plate age @ trench
trench1 = Trench(Start=(200.0,200.0), End=(200.0,1000.0), Thickness=90.0, θ_max=45.0, Length=600, Lb=200, WeakzoneThickness=15, WeakzonePhase=7, d_decoupling=175);
T_slab  = LinearWeightedTemperature( F1=HalfspaceCoolingTemp(Age=AgeTrench_Myrs), F2=McKenzie_subducting_slab(Tsurface=0,v_cm_yr=v_spread_cm_yr, Adiabat = 0.0))
add_slab!(Phases, Temp, Grid, trench1, phase = lith, T=T_slab);

Finally, it is often nice to see the deformation of the plate when it subducts. A simple way to do that is to put a stripes on top using addStripes, which has the same phase as the subducting crust.

add_stripes!(Phases, Grid; stripAxes = (1,1,0), phase = ConstantPhase(0), stripePhase = ConstantPhase(9), stripeWidth=50, stripeSpacing=200)

Finally, we can add all this to the CartData dataset:

Grid = addfield(Grid,(;Phases, Temp))
Saved file: Grid3D_Ridges.vts

And the resulting image looks like Mechanical3D_Tutorial_2

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